Distance from Neighbors -Alabama

Does Alabama have a "Right to farm " law? If it does, that may help determine things also.
Virtually every state has a "Right to Farm" law, certainly every state I've looked at, and quite possibly all of them now. And not a single state whose right to farm law I have looked at does what most people think it does.

Alabama is no exception.

Ala. Code § 6-5-127 (2013)

Here, I'll help. For the AL "Right to Farm" Act to apply, someone has to sue you in Nuisance over ongoing operations, which are conducted in accordance with normal practice and proper operation, so long as your facility, plant, or factory has been operated either commercially or in conjuction with a non-profit museum having a combined value of $1,000,000 or greater.

If the sue for any cause of action other than nuisance, the suit can proceed. If they sue in nuisance claiming negligence in the maintenance of your facility or otherwise allege improper operation, the suit can proceed.

If you aren't an ongoing commercial operation (or a big museum), you are SoL.
Michigan is somewhat different. If you have a farming operation however small such as backyard chickens in an area that is not zoned as such and the township / neighbors complain, Michigan Ag Dept will come eval and around here, the "farmer" usualy wins

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