Do baby chicks sneeze?

Brummie Pekin

6 Years
Sep 2, 2017
United Kingdom, Birmingham
I have 4 chicks about 5 weeks old and recently they have started to shake their head from left to right very fast and make a slightly high pitched chirp sound it looks like sneezing but it might be something completely normal. (My first time keeping chicks)
Sounds like they could have some type of respiratory problem. Give them VetRx in their water (two or three drops in lukewarm water) and hardboil an egg, crush it, and sprinkle dried or fresh oregano on it. Not too much though, its strong stuff! Feed it to them in a little dish. Good luck!
Sounds like they could have some type of respiratory problem. Give them VetRx in their water (two or three drops in lukewarm water) and hardboil an egg, crush it, and sprinkle dried or fresh oregano on it. Not too much though, its strong stuff! Feed it to them in a little dish. Good luck!
Ok I will try that, Thanks! :)
What are you using for litter and are they crowded at all? Chicks sneeze just to clear their nasal passages but that should be something you rarely hear. They also sneeze from illness or irritation. Irritation can be caused by scents, dust, ammonia... Take a hard look at their environment and see if there is anything that could be irritating them.
What are you using for litter and are they crowded at all? Chicks sneeze just to clear their nasal passages but that should be something you rarely hear. They also sneeze from illness or irritation. Irritation can be caused by scents, dust, ammonia... Take a hard look at their environment and see if there is anything that could be irritating them.
This is their inside enclosure where they spend their time when the weather is not on our side. They also have an outside in enclosure but since its dark out (I live in the UK) I will take pics of their outside enclosure tomorrow. Their inside enclosure has sandpaper at the bottom with wood chips on top. They have chicken wire around the enclosure but they still manage to jump on top. Hopefully these picks are useful.:frow

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