Do bears eat chickens??

If you go with the baby monitor, see if you can put it in a location (say, the other side of the wall) from where the chickens actually roost. That is, if you want to sleep at all. Take it from someone with a monitor in the coop - chickens rustle around at night more than you'd think, and when you are already spooked, every scratch of toes on the roosts becomes the scrape of a varmints claws!

If you do that, it does give you incredible peace of mind - though I find I have to turn it off when it gets really windy, too.
There's a mama bear and cub that live near my home. The bears frequent my trash cans. I have bear proof trash cans but they broke into them. There is nothing the bears will not eat. There is no chicken coop that is bear proof. If they want the chickens they will get them. I tried to scare them by yelling, throwing things at them, flashing lights. Next option would be a paint ball gun. I'm new to the chicken world and currently have 3 chicks. They will be going out in about 2 weeks and I will be ready for the bears.

One time I tried to scare the bear and they ran up into my patio and freaked me out. There is noway I can out run the bear and after seeing how fast and nimble they are for such a large beast, I have a new found respect for their awesomness.
The answer to, do bears eat chickens is YES. I live in Calif and we are having a third year drought. A bear tore down the coop siding, got in and killed 4 chickens. There was no sign of the chickens, just feathers, so he must of taken them elsewhere. It depends how hungry a bear is and with this drought all the berries and food are dried up.
Does this answer the question - Does a bear poop in the woods? Apparently the answer is yes...chicken. A bear not fast enough? Never seen animal planet or national geographic! Saw a grizzly chase down an elk calf...COOL!
My step daughter was watching the same flick and she said something like "Stupid bear, don't you know that you can't run down and kill an elk!" I said it's fixing to be 45 luv in the bears favor.

Here's mine. I guess I got lucky because he kept moving along...he got some garbage from others nearby. I guess that was easier! Have not caught him's been a few weeks.
Yes you do have to worry. I sadly just lost 6 out of my 7 chickens to a bear last nite. They will rip through anything to get them and eat them. I'm devastated as they were my pets and all named and looked after so well

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