Do hens "crow" like roosters?


This is a 12 week old ameraucana ... I thought she was a hen but then she was ca-caaing a few times one Sunday but hasn't made a peep for a week. The combs are small I thought - does this look like an obvious rooster ?? I'm a newbie ! I can't keep roosters where I'm at but I love this chicken ha :( any help is appreciated :)
Hehe I love the "turkey run over by a bus" analogy. Sounds about right. My 18 month old Australorp, after laying regularly, has started "crowing" (really horrific, tortured squark really). Been off the lay for a few weeks, so hopefully is just her hormones playing stupid tricks.
I have three hens, they all lay eggs anyway, but one has started to crow. Bit muffled I'll admit but a definite crow. She doesn't do it every day, or at all once they're let out and she lays stonkin great eggs. She is also not the dominant one, that's Attilla the Hen who chases the terriers and steals their doggy treats, but she is the biggest as she's a Blue-Splash Cochin. The other two are a French Marran (Fleur) and a Cream Legbar ( Attilla). The crowing hen was Blossom but might have to re-think that :)
While not laying as often as the other two I have been getting a minimum of 6 eggs a week all through the winter and more now it's warming up with 3 eggs a day a couple of times a week so I'm loath to dispatch her. Neighbours have been great so far, though don't know if it'll last when the mornings start to get light at 03:00 in the summer, but they all seem to be amused and quite proud of the local 'weird chicken'. Blossoms also a bit of a character as she run-hops rather than walks and as she's about 28 inches tall and **** near as broad and is coloured like an explosion in an ink factory she is a source of local entertainment. The neighbours have visitors they all line up along their side of the fence, glasses in hand;)
Our 2 year old Austalorp (boss chookie) sits at the gate to the patio in the morning making a forlorn, weird crowing sound. Shuts up once we go out and sprinkle some seed around to all the girls. Started locking the pen at night and sprinkling seed around once their all tucked up in bed, find she doesn't do it then. If I do it before they go to bed, they'll all pig out and left with the forlorn "Chook o'clock , get out and feed me". Got heaps of seed available in the feeders, but like pecking around to get it. Laying every 2 days, so we call her the "Gender confused tank!!"
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hens don't crow so undoubtly you have yourself another roo

Hens go..... bak-bak-bak
So that Ancona hen I have that has a huge comb and wattles and spurs and crows - but whom I have SEEN with my own eyes lay eggs is egg-laying roo?

Or maybe some hens just crow. I've always assumed that my hens which crow (two of them which are verifiably egg-laying hens) likely just had higher than usual male hormones. That seemed the most likely explanation to me.
We have four hens (Australorp, Barred Rock, Speckled Sussex, and Golden Wyandotte) and no rooster. Our Wyandotte, Eliza Doolittle is our unofficial rooster but only acts as the lookout for danger. When a hawk dove for them while free ranging under my supervision (I was standing only five feet away), she broke out into the loudest egg song you ever heard and they all scrambled for cover as the hawk swooped past. I never saw it coming and could have reached out and grabbed it. This morning at 5:50 am she did it again, which got me out of bed in a flash, as there is a coyote in the neighborhood, attracted either by my girls or the neighbor's pit bull on a cable run. I don't lock them in at night (they have hanging vinyl strips that part for them to go in and out since the door slides towards the inside of the three foot tall run where I can't reach it) but they are reasonably secure with their mobile coop with hardware cloth run and 100 sq. ft. mobile run butted up against each other. I do worry that something might force its way between them, lift or dig under the heavy run, or tear through the deer netting roof. I guess that I am thankful that Eliza would let me know if they tried.
to the person said hens don't crow well i have a hen that has laid egss for almost 2 years and now every morning she tries to crow
I`m so glad to read these answers...I have two new hens ... 6 months old who were with tipsters, but she lives with my other one hen and has laid lovely eggs and crows like crazy. I have a no crow collar on order and I`m hoping it helps because she makes more noise than my kids ever did... and I could tell them to stop. :fl

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