Do i move the mama and babies


10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
I am hoping to have about 5 babies in about a week. I have a few questions.
The nest box is high up once the chicks hatch should I move them to the bottom of the coop into a new nest box - was thinking of putting a milk crate or something in the coop and filling it with hay.
will momma follow and make a new snuggly home in it or should I move mama and eggs to the new nest box now.
also.....should I lock the mamma and new chicks in the coop by themselves for the first bit away from the other chickens so they get the chick scratch and all that.
I am worried the little ones will squeeze through the bottom of our chicken run if they are outside and not get back in.
ORRRR should i just remove the babies and put them seperate until they are big enough to join the flock - dont know where I would put them right yet.
please help.
You can move Mama once a chick hatches, she will stay with the chick. I have tried to move a hen before hatch and it just upset her. I always move the Mama into a large dog crate while her eggs are hatching and then I move her into her own space until the chicks are bigger. The Hens eventually move their chicks into the coop with the others and everbody is happy.
oh i have a dog crate lol - That would work like a charm. I dont really have a spot to move the mama and new chicks sooo I am thinking I will just leave the dog crate in the coop put out the chicks feed and water and hope for the best - that they manage well with the general population.
Just make a new nest for her in your dog crate and if you move her and the eggs at night you shouldn't have any problems. I just moved a hen that hatched chicks and there were no problems. I just let nature do its thing and I haven't lost any babies yet.
Have fun!
Great timing on your question, thanks! I was just going to ask the same thing.

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