Do loud pullets become loud hens?


10 Years
May 31, 2009
Cobleskill NY
One of my 7 week EE pullets is especially high strung. She screams at everything. I was just curious if she is going to only get louder with time, or might she mellow?

I'm already rehoming an unexpected rooster, so I thought maybe I'd send her along too... I'm an outlaw chicken keeper, so I'm trying to keep things quiet.
First off -

Second - I have a hen that is a loud mouth and I remember asking myself the very same thing when she was a pullett. She has always been a loud mouth.

I agree - since you are an outlaw
send her along with the roo.
Thanks for the advice. She's pretty but crotchety as they come!

I'm already getting a couple more chicks to replace the rooster, so maybe it's for the best so my flock doesn't get too large. I think I have caught the bug.

But I figure if 4 is illegal, 6 is illegal too... ha ha.

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