Do roosters Crow all day long?

Uncle Marc

8 Years
Oct 12, 2011
Poplar Grove Kentucky
Our flock is 18 weeks old today. Our rooster, Crosby, seems to crow alot. Do they just crow when they want to? Does it mean anything? Oh, we named him Crosby, after Bing Crosby, because he is such a crooner.
My Roo is about 5 months old today and he started crowing at 7 weeks old, and increased in crowing frequency when he was moved to the coop from the brooder cage. In the start, he would crow only in the AM. Then he started crowing in the AM, AND when something startled him, or it struck him as dangerous. Now he crows ALL DAY at random but pretty frequently. I dont mind though, we are on an acreage and have the coop and run about 100 feet from our house so it doesnt bother me.
Mine also crow all day long, they do it for many many reasons, some we dont even understand. Sometimes they crow for dominance or communication between roosters, claiming territory, competion, seems they do it for alot of reasons lol
For mine its from dawn to dusk!!
Ours started out crowing just in the morning and evening. Now he crows whenever he feels like it, and he crows loud. I'm a shift worker, but fortunately I can somewhat filter out sounds that I don't have to get up for usually.
Yep, mine crow's whenever he feels like it. He crows in the morning, he sings with the hens when they lay, he crows in the afternoon, he crows in the evening. I think, for the most part, he's just communicating with the hens. I noticed he crows alot more when I let them out the free range then when they are penned up.
My current roo is pretty quiet. He's 3 years and I think he's realized he no longer has anything to prove! I have heard crowing during the full moon, though, even in the middle of the night.

My young *oops* roo is also pretty quiet, but I think it's cause big Rocky won't let him crow much yet--little guy's only 4 month or so.

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