Do roosters Crow all day long?

when the boys hit about three months old, the chickenhouse sounded like Frathouse on Friday night! Crowing, squawking, and feathers flying until finally at around five months, they were boxed up and sent off to freezer camp! The two we kept were quiet, good to the girls, and lovers not fighters. They still crow at all times of day and night (especially if someone has been scratching around the henhouse door). fortunately, we are waaaaaaaaaaay out in the country with few neighbors who complain. It's amazing what a few dozen eggs will buy. happy neighbors for example...
I normally keep about 3 roosters in a free-range flock, and they usually know who is boss. Mine crow almost all day - not constantly, but probably several crows per hour on average. They definitely crow as part of their "I'm the boss" comment (especially when an under-rooster manages to get with a hen a more dominant rooster likes). They also crow for reasons I don't even understand. :) Mine actually get very quiet when there are predators (except snakes - they raise a fuss for snakes). If I'm ever late opening the coop in the morning, they are crowing pretty constantly wanting out, especially when they hear me coming. When an up-and-coming roo displaces a dominant one, the displaced roo will normally stop crowing for a while until he accepts his fallen status (some never crow again, poor boys).

I used to have a little bantam hen who would run off and show up with more than a dozen chicks, raise them wild, and they were always mostly roos. Those darn things used to sleep in the trees outside my house and crow ALL NIGHT LONG. I'm glad my others have been well-mannered enough to sleep in the coop and stay mostly quiet at night, unless something disturbed them.
Instead of crowing my roo just walks up to the smaller roo, stands on his tippy-claws and raises his wings in a 'smell my pits' kind of style. The smaller one though, is disabled, and for the rest of the day, they are best friends, lounging around each other and preening. (Sometimes the disabled one accidentally preens the larger one!)

Right now though, I don't have and hens, so I'll have to see what happens when the fraternity breaks up!
Is there such thing crowing contest? My white rooster can out crow the rest of other roosters, and boy, he crows all the time. He is annoying the heck of my wife. He crows three times while others crow once.
I read about a guy who put baby socks over his roosters heads. A small hole was cut for its beak and the sock was just thin enough for him to see a little bit but not great. Im dieing to try this. My cockerals are only 6 weeks old but soon as one starts crowing Im gonna try this for fun LOL. If anyone tries it let me know what happens.
Its kind of funny and knd of not. Just plz cut out holes so he can see where he is going or he might get hurt. R u gonna leave it on him?
Its not always possible to rehome a Roo. Unless you send it to freezer camp. It sounded funny to me, Cant imagine it would get hurt in the pen. Im still going to try it just to see if it works. If it did work and I needed to keep my Roo quiet I would do on the weekends just to give my neighbors a break. The crowing doesnt bother me. I really doubt this works. But Im gonna see for myself because if it was needed Id rather do this then leave him in his coop all day on the weekends. Although thats probably a better safer idea. My coop is insulated with foam board so I can give my neighbors quiet weekends. Just trying to see if theirs a way I could let them out.
Im allowed Roos but I want to be considerate as much as possible.
I have a RR mix that was making noises the other day that sounded like a rooster somewhat anyway. The next day I heard it do that one time, maybe two. Now the nothing for the last two days. I'm hoping it was nothing. I read something on BYC
that said don't be in a hurry to give your chicken up because hens can make a rooster noise too. Has anyone else experienced that. I hatched 3 eggs and the rr was one of them. It is the biggest of the three and has a comb, not huge. Maybe if he is a rooster he will turn out to be one of the quiet ones. He and the other two are so close. They never stray more then 5 feet from each other. They make noises if one is not in range where they can see it. Calling it. It's so cute. I would hate to have to separate them.
the sock is not hurting anything...heck when you dress ur kids and they put up a fuss its the same dang thing ....they learn to accept it...but the tighter sock lower on the neck is what many do and it works to stop or allmost for many but not all...and some its just makes it half as loud...jeff

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