Do these chicks look OK?


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2024
First time chicken owner here. As I posted a couple of weeks ago, I got a bunch of dead Buff Orpington chicks in the mail from McMurray Hatchery, and managed to save just one. I added 6 more buffs from the Agway that were a week younger. Even so, they were the same size as Admiral Byrd, the survivor from the first group. The chicks seem to be thriving, they are active and super friendly to me and to each other. Their poops look great, they are eating Grubblies chick starter and have huge appetites. Some look weird and scary, though, and Admiral Byrd looks very different from the others! I just need a reality check that nothing is wrong here...

This is what most of them look like now at 3 weeks:

But Admiral Byrd looks VERY different. Is this one another breed and not a B.O.?



And a couple look so scruffy, I'm hoping all is well:



Any thoughts are very appreciated!


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I don't know the first thing about breeds so can't help you there. They look great and adorable. If you are worried about them looking scruffy, that is just one of many juvenile molts. They go through several really awkward looking stages as they grow. I think it is cute but if you haven't seen it before it looks like they have a disease!
Enjoy your chickies, and I am so sorry about the losses from your first batch.
Admiral Byrd definitely does not look like a Buff Orpington. You could post him in this forum to find out. I love his name!

When chicks are growing in their feathers they do look rather scraggly. I think yours look fine but I’m not an expert either.

I attached a couple of my chicks (Mottled Java and Buff Brahma) at 3 weeks for reference.

Hope this helps!


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Welcome to the awkward teenbird stage!
They'll look a bit rough for a few weeks, but it's nothing to worry about. Some birds also just take longer to feather than others. In both batches of chicks I raised there was one who was much slower to feather than everyone else. One of my easter egger chicks Ginkgo's back was really slow to feather out, she is 9 1/2 weeks old and her back feathers are still growing in. They are coming in this week finally, but her back was just pin feathers for several weeks. She is otherwise healthy and is probably my largest chick so as long as yours are healthy and happy I wouldn't worry. So far Admiral Byrd looks a lot like how my buff orpington Juniper looked at that age, so for now i'm thinking they're a buff orpington

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