do they look ready to lay?

Score, nice little pullet egg, even in the nest box
Ohhh wow! thats cool.....I have the golf balls in place and re-arranged the roost to help keep them from sleeping in them and im still egg-less. I got up at 6AM and hussled out to see if maybe and NOPE.....I thought of you and was curious. I knew it was close. What one gave the egg? any idea?
Not sure but the red has been the one in and out of the nest box so I'm guessing her even though there was a black feather in the box
Hmmmm. Well either way you got an egg huh? lol My spoiled clan is out livin the life right now. I hope im right behind you. Did you hear the BOK BOK and all that? or just find an ready to toss the golf balls! they trick me and I know they are there! Take a pic when you crack it trying hard for dark orange yolks. they get lots of greens.
thanks on all accounts! it was just a nice surprise after a long day at work I wasn't around to hear any of the ruckus, hopefully this weekend. I hope one of yours chimes in tomorrow!

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