Do you clip one or both wings?

The reasoning for clipping only one wing is to throw them off balance when they try to fly.
Either, or neither, can work......but much depends on the situation you are dealing with.
Tell us more about the situation.
The reasoning for clipping only one wing is to throw them off balance when they try to fly.
Either, or neither, can work......but much depends on the situation you are dealing with.
Tell us more about the situation.
I'm not having any issues at the moment, just genuinely curious. Months ago I had some birds that would hop my fence into the neighbors yard. At that time, I had read to clip only one wing, for the "balance" argument. It's worked so far that I'm aware, so I haven't tried/needed to clip the other wing. I've just come across arguments that say both wings are more effective. I have some pullets now that I know I will eventually need to clip wings on to keep them in the yard so I guess I'm looking for information/advice in advance.
I know that, in the past, I tried clipping both wings instead of just one side. I found that they learned to fly with less feather. So I've gone back to just one. They can fly, but just in circles. This is only when in confined runs that don't have tops. I don't clip at all if they are free ranging my acreage.

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