Do You Dream In Color?

I have dreams about a helicopter or airplane crash landing in my neighbors back yard. Glad I live next door.
they are always in color.
I dream of flying all the time, not in a plane, I do not have wings, it is the way that I breath that allows me to fly.
I have tried researching what flying dreams me since I have them so often but my searches always seem to lead to physics. Does any one know what it means when you fly in your dreams? My dreams are in color
Anyone else ever have dreams and then later in life have the same thing happen in real life? I've had that happen a few times.. just little things... like being in a car and talking with someone about something... then sometime later in life the same thing will happen. And i'll say.."i had a dream about this conversation"... usually i get the you're crazy look.

That doesnt happen very often though... only a few times. But i know that i dreamed it...
One thing i DO do a lot(when i say a lot..i mean several times a year... not every week or anything..) is dream the phone is ringing..(why always the phone?? No clue..
..)... then.. i'll wake up from that dream and while i'm still getting my bearings and still in bed... sure enough the phone rings.
Every time it happens it creeps me out. Sometimes i dream i'm talking to a certain person and then in real life its them on the phone. (usually my mother)

To answer the OP.. i always dream in color..usually every night... and i dont usually have bad/violent dreams. When i do have bad dreams they are usually not violent..just horrible things happening.. like my mother or husband passing away... and i can literally feel the pain in my chest when i wake up. Ruins my day..
Sometimes i can remember them.. sometimes not.
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My dreams are usually a mish-mosh of memories - which I see in color therefore I remember/dream them in color. I fail to see why any color-seeing person would dream in black/white because that's just not how we see the world around us

Occasionally I'll have wild dreams, but there is usually some memory components in there somewhere. Like I'll dream up some kind of weird fantasy, but it will be in a familiar setting such as my grandparent's yard or something. Like I said, memories, except mixed up. Sometimes I'll dream about my grandparent's barn being behind my parent's house (in real life they live in different towns) or my old back yard at my new house, it's like a patchwork of memories. I rarely dream that much about familiar people though, or at least I don't remember them. I remember the places more than the faces. Maybe that says something about me? I dunno

I rarely dream about anything current, say not much within the past 5-10 years. Usually my dreams are about childhood memories, except I'm not a child in my dream. I guess it's a way of going back to a place and time that I can't physically go back to anymore. I don't fly in my dreams, I time travel
I don't remember dreams as much as I use to. I'm sure it has to do with the fact that dreams were fun when I was young but not so much now that I have lots of morbid memorys.

I do remember dreams in black an white. One especially stands out as a play off the three little pigs story. I think my black an white dreams were usually stuff that there was no way I would ever think it was real. The realistic stuff is always in color. Which is interesting being as I don't see colors real well.

I know the best dreams I ever had was when I was quitting smoking an wearing the patch to bed. Very vivid dreams.
I don't dream...probably stems from my childhood when I had very vivid, terrifying nightmares. Or it could be that I learned to sleep very soundly to keep from getting awakened in the middle of the night when my drunken father would come in wanting to fight anyone and anything

The rare times that I do dream they are usually very vivid nightmares.
When I was younger (and remembered my dreams) that happened quite often. Luckily my most terrifying childhood dream never has come to pass, I still haven't been chased around my yard by the Grim Reaper
I have very vivid, colorful dreams. I used to have flying dreams quite often, but haven't in quite some time. I also used to have dreams where I can breathe underwater. Those were quite fun! Sometimes in the flying dreams, I can only manage to make large bounces, like men walking on the moon. Other times I can fly quite well and far. Once I flew all the way across the arctic (beautiful sunset against blue snow) to Russia, where I landed on the side of the Kremlin like a flying squirrel!
Lately, it seems that in a lot of my dreams, I'm trying to get somewhere, or I am wandering from room to room in a building that has so many rooms it is like a maze. Sometimes the rooms have slides or a tree growing up and through them, or some other odd quality. I often have a very difficult time waking up if I am dreaming, which is usually the case in the mornings. I just can't seem to differentiate reality from the dream. Thankfully, I don't usually have bad dreams.

In answer to redhen- Yes, I sometimes have premonition dreams, where something I dream happens shortly after in real life. It's usually some little, but notable thing. It seems to happen in cycles. I haven't done it in awhile, but then it will happen for several days at a time.
I dream often and in color. Actually, my dreams are even more colorful than reality - sort of like my childhood memories. A lot more bizarre than my childhood, though. I've also had dreams of dying, but it doesn't seem to bother me much. I just float up out of my shattered body and watch whatever's happening, or go into someone else's body and continue the dream as them. Once I even dreamed that I was being ripped limb from limb by a giant rabbit while watching it happen on TV! The experience of having two consciousnesses and bodies at the same time was... really different.

Funny enough, I don't get scared by dreams like that, but dreams of the sky suddenly blackening, or being far under the water without enough breath to make it to the surface scare me so bad I wake right up. Go figure.
I dream often and in color although I have had black and white dreams where one color, like red or blue, would stand out. I love dreaming now, but I had horrible nightmares as a kid. They were the bane of my youth, then I learned to control them and am a lucid dreamer. I get a modge podge of dreams. Some random bits that make no sense, some very linear clearly defined stories. As a kid my nightmares were violent and vivid, nowadays they tend to be more mundane. I've had precognitive dreams, those that come true later on, but not in a few years. Sometimes I'm me, sometimes I'm someone else, and sometimes I bounce back and forth between being who I am and watching my person. My fiance thinks I'm nuts sometimes when I relay some of my dreams to him. Some of my weirdest dreams were when I had taken allergy medicine before bed. I remember it being terrifying, bloody, gory, monsters the whole nine yards. Then I remember looking around and thinking, "this is a horrible nightmare, I should be terrified...weird." I do try to research and symbolize the more random and disturbing dreams and often the meanings actually make sense and give a bit of insight into emotional things I don't wanna deal with. I have NEVER had a flying dream, though. I've had scary falling dreams, but never flown. I've always been jealous of those. LOL

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