Do You Dream In Color?

Yeah the problem is with us vivid dreamers is the "free horror" ones HURT! When I have a nightmare where I am physically being attacked - I FEEL it. I have had dreams where I have walked across broken sucks and hurts like, well you know. I have been bitten by predators in my dream...and I feel the pain as if it were real.

I will say that flying dreams, dreams with (corny) super-powers, and other fantasy dreams are so awesome because like the horror ones, they are so vivid and real *dreamy sigh*

To answer the OP - Yes, I always dream in color. It's a 50-50 shot of it being a lucid dream that I can control or partially control. I remember my dreams most of the time.

To the others who were discussing the color / black and white dreams in relevence to TV: I have read alot about this, that most people who dream in black and white grew up with a black and white TV. I have to wonder though, Did the people before the tech era have colored dreams? And if so WHY did the black and white TV effect a generation and change their dream context? I have been interested in learning more, but I have not had the time. Anyone have any more clues?
Usually colors don't stand out but sometimes they will, other wise I don't think I notice them as much.

I found it interesting that those who grew up with black and white television dream in B&W. I've found that watching television really plays a part in my dreams and can affect them, which I do not want happening, so I do not own a television anymore.

Most of my dreams are as if I'm watching them with my vision shrouded in a deep fog and usually certain parts come and go so that I do not remember fully. I have a bad habit of wanting to rush through them to get it over with. A lot of my childhood was based on abuse so I learned at a young age to forget my dreams because they were never good.

However, recently I've been trying to remember them as many as possible, and I write them down, no matter how weird. One thing I do to help myself remember, is before bed I say to myself 'I will remember my dreams' three times, and this works, as I'm willing myself and giving myself permission to remember. Premonition/psychic dreams run in my family on my mom's side, so I feel it is important to remember as many as possible since many of them come true... I think this was much more common in people, maybe even messages from the universe, but society has restricted our senses.
I also think that many dreams are from parts of our past lives.
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I don't dream every night, or at least I don't recall it every night. I dream in series, like a weekly TV show, the next dream starts where the last one left off sometimes with a quick review first. Odd because I hate TV, watched it as a kid but quit in teens and still don't like it 35 years later. I think mostly I dream in B+W but some things are coloured. If the colour is important it's there, or maybe it's just that I recall the colour since it was important? I'm not one to notice colours when I'm awake though, if I was over at your home and you asked me the next day what colour your living room carpet was I would probably not know, unless it was unusual or for some reason discussed.

I sometimes have really fast paced and technocolour dreams and I have figured out that my reaction to MSG. Wow I can get 3 months of action packed superhero adventure in supernatural tecnocolours into a 6 hour night and wake up exhausted yet charged up feeling. Apparently I kick, flip, flop and grind my teeth all night when I'm doing that so DH now helps make sure I stay out of the MSG.
I dream a LOT and remember many of them. Full color, full experience. In a psych class they had us keep "dream journals" and I filled up 2 spiral bound notebooks before the class was over. My record: 11 dreams remembered and written down in one night.

I have a lot of recurring dreams or recurring locations. Very rarely are they "bad dreams". Some of the "bad ones" are the standard ones like, Being back in school and realizing that you've missed the entire year's worth of classes and have finals coming up... or trying to punch underwater, or being in the back seat of a car and having to drive it from there, etc.

3 nights ago I had a dream where I woke up and told people about my dream, then I realized (in my dream) that I was dreaming and told myself, "Rob, when you wake up, you gotta remember this one!"

Ok, I gotta ask; has anyone had a really long stressful work day and you come home just exhausted and fall asleep, but in your sleep you're playing out the actions from work? I HATE these. I always wake up exhausted. Talk about work following you home! It's like you've never left!
When i was pregnant i dreamt in color and had alot of dreams.

p.s. because i am tired. (i get up at 315am for work at 415am) i dream of sleep.
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I am a man so I don't dream in color according to the "experts". Will then, what are all those vivid colors I see, and all the sounds, maybe leftover from the 60s and 70s? Even in flash-back dreams I can smell Teak wood and the cuisene. The mind is a spooky thing.
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In color. Every night. Of the ones I remember they often don't make a lot of sense when I wake up. I have not infrequent bad dreams though I wouldn't say they were really common. Occasionally I have some real lulus.

Some years ago my brother read this article about "directed dreaming" where one would be able to take control of a dream to make it come out the way one wanted. We tried it for months but I never could get it to work. What it did accomplish was that I was able to clearly remember what I had dreamed. Many of them made no sense once I was awake, but many did. Some of the worst dreams were the ones I would most clearly remember. It took me years to get over that so that I could stop remembering what it was I had dreamed. The ones that made no sense in the waking state were the easiest to forget.

One of the bad ones turned out to be the genesis of a novel I wrote some years later.
I dream in color, sound, feel and taste. At least once a night. I enjoy my dreams better than some movies or tv shows. I do have a dream about multiple tornadoes, and I usually hide in a white farm house only to be carried away and slammed into a tree. I wake up as soon as I hear by bones snap. This dream is the harbinger of turbulent times and I usually tread carefully for the next few days.
I have fights to the death regularly... fighting with my hands, or a knife, or whatever I can find. And I have few reservations about the damage I inflict, because usually, the other person is trying to kill me, or trying to get my kids. THe funny thing is, every time I dream, I am the age I really am, with the kids I really have, with the husband I really have, etc. there's no real difference, except that my dreams are much more dangerous than my placid life.

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