Do You Dream In Color?

When I was younger, I used to have dreams in which I missed the school bus, and would be frantically trying to find a way to get to school. (See my earlier post about having trouble waking in the morning!
) These dreams persisted for some time into adulthood, until in the dreams, I would suddenly come to the realization "why am I trying to take the bus? I can drive!"
I had the realization that I can drive to school dreams on and off for a couple of years then finally my brain seemed to realize that I don't even need to be going to school at all.
I don't dream on an everynite basis - or if I do I do not remember them! Once or twice per week usually (perhaps because I do not get enough sleep!!?) Usually in color but definately remember one dream that was both re-occuring & black & white. Most of my current dreams are based on my reading (I rarely watch TV but read nightly to relax) although I used to dream of storms often (mainly tornadoes) back when I still had contact with my very disfunctional family - once I stopped dealing with them the dreams of (CONFLICT) stopped. Also dreamed of climbing out of a deep, dark pit & woke up exhausted & sore from climbing! That one stopped after getting on thyroid replacement & being less often depressed. Now mainly of the books I read, sometimes of people I have lost - these are usually in color and are so real & poignant that I awake thinking they are still here, alive & well. Had one once of someone I didn't know but in the dream did know - what was really weird is that I actually met the person a few DAYS later & we have been friends since! Weirder still - in the dream I knew him to be a good man - honest & sincere & his temperment - and it all was true once I met him!
Dreams are often different - but studies show that they are manifested from our real life issues & that if you pay attention they can help you resolve conflict, stress & so on in your life.

If my dreams are bizarre or bad I am always third party just observing.

Flying dreams are the best..

Dreams are important to my spiritual self.


I used to have lots of sweet flying dreams, until I took up skydiving. Now, when I do have a flying dream, it's always technical, and precise.
What an interesting thread!
i dream in full color, and most often my dreams are adventures. I write stories a lot, and most of my inspiration comes from dreams. Maybe one day i will write the stories down,
I only rarely have bad dreams. I can usually recognize im dreaming and change the bad dream by thinking of something good to happen. And then my BFF has weird dreams that tell her whats going to happen the next day or the next week (its really useful, i must say) Most of the time I dream about whats going on in my normal life though. 95% of my dreams at the moment include a certain guy who I have a crush on (hes on my mind a lot
I dream in color and feel cold, hot, pain, smell, taste etc while dreaming. Most of the time I can control the dream somewhat. Like I can change what is happening or wake up bit and say I don't want to dream about this and go back to sleep to dream something else. I love the sci-fi dreams and action movie dreams.
Sometimes I'm not even "myself" I'm in another that of a famous movie star fighting bad guys

When I was a little kid I had the most beautiful dream about flying. Very faint flute music, the wind in my face. I was flying over moutains and sparkling crystal blue lakes. I could feel the chill of the air and smell the pine and cedar trees. It was such a clear dream and I have never forgotten. It was like it happened to me....

Of course, now I seldom get to explore the dream world like I used too. I'm always woken up by one of my kids....Mommy, Mommy??? And thats the end of dreaming for me
I dream in color, and always have. I was sort of shocked when someone told me they did not. Life is in color, why wouldn't dreams be? I'm often, but not always, a lucid dreamer. I don't have nightmares very often, and I'm almost always aware that I am dreaming and I change the dream. The merely unpleasant or bad dreams are harder to change. These are usually anxiety dreams brought on by stress or PMS. They include the classic school dreams of having to take a final when you haven't taken the class, and dreaming that I can't get to my dorm room because the registrar has messed up my room number. I also have the dreams where I am fighting with a family member and occasionally a dream that I have to use a public restroom, which doesn't have doors and makes the toilet from trainspotting look clean. UGHHH. I hate all those ones.

I never have flying dreams, but I have floating/giant step dreams where every step seems to float and carry me a long distance. They are always pleasant dreams. I often have house dreams, and cat dreams; both of which are supposed to be home and family sorts of dreams.
As far as I know... Color... know what my dreams are as I slide in... and know what they are as I'm coming out... but the dreams that happen while I'm fully under, REM, I have no idea.

If I have a nightmare I just change the scene to something else... which leads me to think it must only be In/Out not true sleep since that time is in Sub's control, not mine. *shrug*

DH's put more time into studying it than me though. He's also a color person.
I remember mom (I think) telling me when I was younger to think of something 'good' to keep me from having the terrible nightmares. So one night I remember falling asleep thinking of things like Mickey Mouse and such....I don't now remember specifics, but either they were killed or got killed in my dream

Needless to say, that didn't work.

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