Do You Dream In Color?

mom'sfolly :

I dream in color, and always have. I was sort of shocked when someone told me they did not. Life is in color, why wouldn't dreams be? I'm often, but not always, a lucid dreamer. I don't have nightmares very often, and I'm almost always aware that I am dreaming and I change the dream. The merely unpleasant or bad dreams are harder to change. These are usually anxiety dreams brought on by stress or PMS. They include the classic school dreams of having to take a final when you haven't taken the class, and dreaming that I can't get to my dorm room because the registrar has messed up my room number. I also have the dreams where I am fighting with a family member andoccasionally a dream that I have to use a public restroom, which doesn't have doors and makes the toilet from trainspotting look clean. UGHHH. I hate all those ones.

I never have flying dreams, but I have floating/giant step dreams where every step seems to float and carry me a long distance. They are always pleasant dreams. I often have house dreams, and cat dreams; both of which are supposed to be home and family sorts of dreams.

If I have to go to the bathroom, I'll have dreams where I really have to go, but there is something so wrong with the bathroom that I can't. (Must be my subconscious saying "Nope! Don't do it!")
Sometimes the toilet is completely filled with filth, or it is in the middle of a public space. One time, Omarosa from "The Apprentice", was trying to get into my stall. She was pulling on the door, fighting to get in and I was trying to pull the door shut, yelling "There's someone in here! What is wrong with you??!!"
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If I have to go to the bathroom, I'll have dreams where I really have to go, but there is something so wrong with the bathroom that I can't. (Must be my subconscious saying "Nope! Don't do it!")
Sometimes the toilet is completely filled with filth, or it is in the middle of a public space. One time, Omarosa from "The Apprentice", was trying to get into my stall. She was pulling on the door, fighting to get in and I was trying to pull the door shut, yelling "There's someone in here! What is wrong with you??!!"

When i go to the bathroom in my dreams... well... i think i let it out a bit too far...
I dream in color and in black in white. The color dreams are just dreams. Some are funny, stupid, crazy and normal. My black and white ones are dreams of events that really happened in my younger life. Some of them I am able to remember myself. Others I have had, my mother has stated to me that it really happened. My Mother is amazed because it is stuff that I shouldn't remember at all. I just try to ignore them because it sometimes bugs me because I have never heard of anyone else that has dreamed of their past.
Always in color, always following to some extent in a storyline from the last night's dreams, and always pretty vivid.

None of them are truly bizarre, none of them are "nightmares," and I do enjoy flying a lot.
Since my dreams seem to "evolve" the storyline over time, I literally learned to fly when I was 12, and am now pretty good at it.
I always dream in color... and very vivid, detailed dreams. Until recently I had horrible nightmares about my past and I would wake up not knowing if I was awake from a dream or if it was really happening. Now in my nightmares I can usually remind myself it isn't real and to just wake up or to change the outcome in the dream. But not always.

ETA : I also vividly remember some of my dreams / nightmares as a kid (those were weird and terrifying) . I am 38 now.
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Redhen - Yes- some of my dreams "come true". Dreamed that I was sitting and talking with friends (5 people) at the kitchen table at somebody's house. I didn't know any of the other people yet, it ended up happening a couple years later. Including the whole conversation -word for word- from the dream. Those people became good friends.

I also met someone about a year after I saw him in a nightmare. Recognized him immediately and avoided doing the stuff in the dream- so I'd stay safe. When you've already had dreams "come true", you take the warning serious. Grew up having nightmares frequently and don't dream much now, or rarely remember dreaming- so I pay attention to any dreams that I remember. The future dreams do feel different than the others.

Used to fly lots in my childhood dreams- LOVED it! No wings, just jumped from wherever, into a horizontal position (looking down, over the area) then steered in the air with the same kinds of body motions I used when swimming underwater.

If I dream anything about the bathroom, I know to wake up and go there.

Has anybody else worked the sound of their alarm clock into their dream? So they didn't realize it was really going off.
Sorry, but that's funny. Thinking of what you'd like to dream helps me, at least until I get to REM (I think) after that it's outta my hands... it's also the first step to lucid dreaming supposedly... I donno if that's true or not, but I do know that when I'm thinking about this or that and the slide happens... it literally feels like I've slipped ... like socks on a wood floor... and I bolt right back to wide awake. Annoying, very annoying.

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