Do You Dream In Color?

Well, now I really wish I had done a poll!

Why is it that, if you tell a girlfriend or acquaintance that you had a dream about her last night she will excitedly ask, "What was I doing?".....

...and if you tell a guy that you had a dream about him last night he will hopefully ask, "What were WE doing?"


When I dream, 9 times out of 10 I have the body I had in high school..which is a real dream. THAT will never happen again!
Sometimes I have blonde hair in my dreams.

If I dream about school it is the usual anxiety about getting to a class, can't get the locker open, etc.

I have, once or twice, dreamt of peeing and awakened just in time to stop myself from wetting the bed....

They say that images that go through your "eyegate" are forever engraved upon your mind, thus watching horror and violence can just live forever in there.

Funny how I can't remember someone's name from a day or two ago, months ago or even someone with whom I went to school...but I can remember all the names from a sitcom in the 70s that I rarely ever got to watch.
Personally, I always dream in color. Many times, I can even control my dreams.

For example, a typical dream starts off with me getting chased by a ghost. As soon as I'm cornered, I say, "Hey, this is a dream! Go away, ghostie." Then I skip off and dream about hanging out with various characters. Typically, we fly around, and visit a restaurant. Sometimes, we all play Pokemon or role play a story. It's pretty cool, if I do say so myself.
last night I dreamed I was wandering around san francisco, and went into an icecream shoppe with my youngest DD. we ordered Ice creams from the girl at the counter, who turned out to be from our little town at home. we chatted for a while, then left... then had to run back in to pay, since i'd forgotten in all the chatting. and I emptied my pockets on the glass counter, trying to find a strange silver stick that I'd been given at an extremist meeting back home... but all that was in the pockets was old screws, coins, a bit o' cash, and crumpled up gum wrapper.
I dream in color, although I barely ever remember my dreams clearly. They usually have music, sometimes in the background, sometimes as a fairly important part of the dream.
I dream every night, usually more than one, long, detailed, intense dreams. Full color, full pain, everything is 100% real. last night, one of the ones I remembered in the morning was I was at my dad's house, and he was trying to figure out how to wash the pad on his hammock.. i was advising him to throw it in the washer, since getting a new one wouldn't be super expensive... and since this one was soiled with mouse ick, i felt that trying to wash it, with bleach would make more sense. then there was more mouse ick and some oily smudges on his brown leather briefcase, and I told him to try to scrub it with an antibacterial lysol wipe, and then apply mink oil.

Often I have bad dreams, sometimes so bad that I literally cannot talk about them. sometimes I fall off a cliff, and instead of waking up, I hit the ground and feel all my bones shatter... then I usually try to scream... if I'm lucky, i make enough noise that my husband (when He's home) will wake me up.. if not, I will writhe on the ground, all broken and bloody for what feels like hours. once, i was eaten alive by a werewolf... from the legs up.

When my best friend died 6 years ago, i visited her in my dreams. I swear I was visiting her at her new house in Heaven. God had given her a new truck, and she didn't want to talk about how much I was missing her... she said "it doesn't matter now, come sit on the swing, and we can chat"... she was a beautiful woman, and not a day goes by that I don't miss her. I am very glad to know that she is safe and without pain.

Thanks! Now I won't have to worry about not finding my chickens when I go to heaven!
I dream in color! I can remember my dreams accurately a lot. I can sometimes be "half awake" and control my dreams, it is awesome when I can.
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I probably dream in colour. I can never remember my dreams very well though. I only have them when I'm not tired and out like a log. :p
Most of my dreams are like action movies, I swear. People are always chasing other people (often me) through a variety of settings and it's actually pretty intense. If I could remember what the exact plots were I'd write them into movies. :lol:

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