Do you get chicken mites on you often?

Enola, I knew that Ivermectin was ineffective as a wormer, but didn't realize that was also true about Eprinex. Oh well, my main concern right now is mites. I haven't used my Eprinex yet because it keeps breaking my syringes. Does anyone have any tips on how to apply it? I have an eye dropper that I can mark off 1/2 cc on, but it's not going to be as accurate as a syringe.

My hen that had the bad mite infestation was very sick, and I eventually put her down. I had her necropsied by my state lab and found out that she had ovarian cancer. The cancer spread throughout her body, twisted her intestines and basically shut down her digestive tract. She must have been in a lot of pain and I feel awful for prolonging her agony.

I think the mites got so bad on her because she was very lethargic, stopped grooming and dust bathing. Because I had her in my house, I could see the effectiveness of Ivermectin vs poultry dust. Even after dusting her 3 times with poultry dust, I was still finding mites on her, but once she got the Ivermectin injection, it finally killed the mites.

Anyway, can anyone recommend a syringe to use with Eprinex? I have 1ml oral syringes that break right away, I can't use them even once.
TSC carries bigger syringes. Take the needle off and just put drops under their wings. The Eprinex is dissolved through the skin so you only need one application site. There is no egg withdrawal with Eprinex. I use Eprinex since I have no one to help me dust my chickens and sinus/allergy problems, so no dust for me please.
I use diatomaceous earth and find it works well. It is a natural element and the dust gets into the bugs joints (whatever they are called) and kills them. It helps with mites, ticks, and whatever else will bug your flock.


I only spray it in my coop and I think thats the only place you need it....

I don't think bees enjoy going in my stinky enclosed coop, so I think it is a safe option to use.
If used correctly. don't spray on flowers! only your chickens and coop.
We have used Black Walnut tincture to keep our dogs worm free for over 14 yrs now. We take it ourselves once a week as well. We make it up in the Fall of the year from black walnuts and vodka. No intestinal parasite can survive that stuff. Vet has expressed amazement at how worm free our dogs stay. Wormwood capsules and clove are used with it.

Not sure how you could apply that treatment to chooks though. Best to use what is currently the most effective meds I suppose. But never ever allow wild birds to mingle with your flock. If free-ranging, you realistically have to accept the possibility of contamination just as you have to accept losses to predators now and then.
Thanks Enola, I should have thought to check TSC for a larger syringe. I've got a major issue right now with wild birds. I live in a rural area with a lot of birds, and with the snow cover we've had for several weeks now, they're desperate for food. I have feeders set up for the wild birds away from my coop, but they've figured out that there's food inside the coop. I've been keeping the large door to my coop closed, and only open the pop door, but the wild birds fly in thru the pop door and get stuck inside. I attached some reflective bird scare tape around the pop door, but it doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent.

Chickenpants, I've used DE for the 4 years that I've had chickens and finally have to admit that it's just not working - for me. Maybe because I've got so many wild birds in my area. Even dusting with poultry dust (same active ingredient as Sevin) didn't work very well for me. I've got to pull out the big guns, because I've got a serious mite problem. If my flock was contained to a coop or a run it would be much easier to manage the wild bird issue. I like that we have so many wild birds in the area, but I'm starting to see them as filthy mite carriers. I certainly don't want them flying around inside my coop.

A BYCer sent me a PM asking where I bought Pyganic, so in case anyone else is interested, I buy it from Peaceful Valley in CA, link below. It's an organic insecticide that I use as a last resort on vegetables in the field. It's pricey at $70 for a quart, but it will last a long time. There are instructions on the label for using it as a spray in the coop or to spray your flock directly. I didn't spray my flock directly because I was worried about spraying them in the eyes - and it's been very cold here and I don't want to get them wet, but if I can't figure out the Eprinex soon, I may resort to spraying my birds with Pyganic:
Don't kid yourself that poultry dust is the same as 5% sevin me the results are that you won't have vermin if you use 5% sevin...not the same results at all.
I think that was a nice way to explanning how to take care of it,this help me to,thank you very much,I have 55 hens and 19 young one and I like to make them comfortable in any way since they laying nice eggs
Thanks Enola, I should have thought to check TSC for a larger syringe. I've got a major issue right now with wild birds. I live in a rural area with a lot of birds, and with the snow cover we've had for several weeks now, they're desperate for food. I have feeders set up for the wild birds away from my coop, but they've figured out that there's food inside the coop. I've been keeping the large door to my coop closed, and only open the pop door, but the wild birds fly in thru the pop door and get stuck inside. I attached some reflective bird scare tape around the pop door, but it doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent.

Chickenpants, I've used DE for the 4 years that I've had chickens and finally have to admit that it's just not working - for me. Maybe because I've got so many wild birds in my area. Even dusting with poultry dust (same active ingredient as Sevin) didn't work very well for me. I've got to pull out the big guns, because I've got a serious mite problem. If my flock was contained to a coop or a run it would be much easier to manage the wild bird issue. I like that we have so many wild birds in the area, but I'm starting to see them as filthy mite carriers. I certainly don't want them flying around inside my coop.

A BYCer sent me a PM asking where I bought Pyganic, so in case anyone else is interested, I buy it from Peaceful Valley in CA, link below. It's an organic insecticide that I use as a last resort on vegetables in the field. It's pricey at $70 for a quart, but it will last a long time. There are instructions on the label for using it as a spray in the coop or to spray your flock directly. I didn't spray my flock directly because I was worried about spraying them in the eyes - and it's been very cold here and I don't want to get them wet, but if I can't figure out the Eprinex soon, I may resort to spraying my birds with Pyganic:
I found and old forum about eprinex and others talking about the dosage. I haven't tried it, but i'm thinking I should because my flock has constantly had the wild birds entering their coop. Let me know how it goes. I'm still wondering if it needs to be diluted or not.

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