Do you HATCH in your FORCED AIR incubator?


8 Years
May 7, 2011
Liberty NC (near Burlington)
I incubate in a Hovabator 1588 forced air incubator. On day 18, I move the eggs to a still air LG unit, mainly b/c I am concerned the forced air will cause shrinkwrapping.

I am thinking of hatching in my forced air unit (I need to change methods due to mysteriously bad hatch rates recently). There is not a way to turn off the fan.

I'd love to hear from those of you who HATCH in their forced air units with the fan ON during hatch, particularly regarding shrinkwrapping.
I hatch in a forced air cabinet and have in the past used a forced air foam incubator. If you keep your humidity at the right level it shouldn't matter to much.

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