Do you have a cat?

Cats do however kill and injure birds so will be a wet blanket and say be careful!

Oh, of course! I never let Wobbles around the cats unsupervised, and luckily so far they're both terrified of her. All it took was one peck on the nose. Poor things never had a chance. One day I'd love for them to get along, but it just may not happen, I fear. And obviously I never let Wobs drink out of their cat bowl either because I'm paranoid of pasteurella.

Also, Ragdolls, SQUEEEE!!! <3 What are their names?
Lol! Just came across this post as the cat and I were supervising the flock's morning free range! Our tabby Beatrice is a year old and only weighs about 9 lbs., the Pekins look huge next to her, so she hasn't ever really paid them any mind (we never let her see them as ducklings, although she certainly heard them through the bathroom door!).
Then all the sudden today she sat down next to me and just started watching. I tried to snap a quick pic, but the ducks started to get too close, so she split!

Amykins that first cat is Awesome!!! Looks like a mini Lion!
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Apollo and baby chicken named Grouse
Meow (1 1/2 years old) - is like a mama to Quackers.
Juju (1 1/2 years old) - Quackers can run right by him, & he won't even bat an eye.
Mr. Humphries, Furball, & Batman (7 months old) At first Humphries was out to get Quackers. Now they all see her as a play buddy. They'll pounce alongside Quackers. Never try to actually pounce on top, but alongside. It's quite funny to watch lol. Quackers does like teasing them though. They'll be laying down, & Quackers will run fast back & forth till they get up & chase her lol. They are weird lol.
6 week old babies- They also see Quackers as a play buddy lol. Sometimes Quackers will walk around in a circle with a kitten hot on her tail.

AHH that's so CUTE! XD Do you have any video of Quackers teasing the kitties like that? Ducks really are way more clever than anyone gives them credit for.
Lol, right? I only have a video of Batman pouncing. My internet is really slow right now but I'll try to unload that video & one of Quackers going to town on Meows nips trying to get cat milk lol. Every time I try to record Quackers being naughty she knows & stops teasing the cats lol.
Did you ever manage to get that video, Quackers? :p

As for my kitties, things are going well! They're slowly beginning to feel comfortable approaching her, but the moment she runs towards them for attention they get the heck outta dodge. Baby, steps, I guess...

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