do you have dogs? what to do with our dog that kills?

I live on two acres, and have only been free ranging our chickens in the front yard because they are still young. Their coop is in the backyard, which is less traveled by our dogs if they were to escape.

The only reason I bring up rehoming. Is yes, rehoming her would take care of many issues. She is not good with my 1 yr old daughter. My other dogs walk around my daughter, vs my jack russel will go straight through her, which has resulted in unwanted bruises and scratches on my young child. I am due in august with another baby, that I don't want the same thing to happen.

Another issue is, the extensive training she has had, was with kittens when we fostered them. She does not calm down. She gets focused, and goes, she has thee hardest time listening to me, to correct that behavior. She almost refuses. I have had her on a leash around a kitten, and when I thought i was getting some where. Like she wasn't focused on the kitten at all while on the leash. We would inch closer and closer with good behavior seen while on a leash. And as soon as she was inches away from this kitten, she'd snarl and bite with no warning. I have also kenneled kittens in a large crate, and let my Jack go to the crate and I have tried to correct the focused bad behavior. I didn't just spend a few days. I've spent months with training, she doesn't get it, not from me, not from the rescue groups that have tried to help me. Advice from others. The same thing went for training her with chickens, i'd allow her into the brooder room with me, she could sniff/lick/see the chickens, and she had no problem as long as I was holding them. And when i thought she had been okay with them, she bolted out the door (Because she likes to go outside in general) she had no idea the chickens were out there. But she knows what a chicken is, and her reaction was to harm it. My husband bolted out the door to stop the behavior, in which she knew she was introuble, but yet proceeded to go after the others. She was grabbed by my husband before she got to the others. But, the chicken she harmed, was not DOA. A broken neck, and still barely breathing, I helped her pass.

I do have gates all around my house. On is set up before the front door, and unfortunately my pitbull can unlock it, which we are taking actions to get a better latch for it. But were not to concerned with him opening it, as he has never been a problem. He is left alone, outside, with a nonfenced in yard to protect the chickens from walking/flying preditors.

I know I asked for training tips, and this case they are appreciated cause I do want to fix this problem without sending my pound dog to yet another home after having her for so many years and saving her. But training does only go so far, and after months of repetitive training. Please do not think that I am just giving up. I could have taken her back to the pound when it had happened. But I chose not to.

All the remarks, or insinuations that have led anyone to believe that I am an irresponsible dog owner, please needs to stop. I understand people can fix their dogs. But I can lead a horse to water, but I cannot make it drink. And simply doing the best I can.
You had me convinced that she needs a good home when you said she's not good with your one year old, but that is a personal decision that only you and your husband can make. I know how dogs can become part of the family. You are not a responsible dog owner, and I think most people know that. It's easy to sit at one's computer and judge when one doesn't know the complete circumstances. You keep doing the best you can - it's all you can do. Take care of yourself, with that baby due soon!
You lost me over issues with your child. The most important issue to me is the safety of your toddler. If you have any doubts at all about that, move her elsewhere. Jack Russell rescue? She sounds like a very typical JR, often not good with children or any small animals. Mary

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