Do you keep your roosters seperated?

I also have a question........ a henhouse drawing that I've done while trying to "visiualize a saltine cracker box with the ends chosen for people-doors facing North/South, and an inside doorway inside middle of henhouse" down on paper goes like this - two part henhouse: North side holds the roosts and a set of feeder/waterer, two windows in this room (opposite sides-roosts face opposite windows), two pop-doors-one each under a window, two large pens as in West/East pens. The people door on the North side opens up going inside towards a roost, to prevent an escape out the people door from roost.
South side holds the nests built on top of one another in each corner of this room and a set of feeder/waterer, windows face each other, with a pop-door under the left side of each window, two large pens as in West/East pens. The people door on the South side opens up going inside towards a pop-door, to prevent an escape out the people door from pop-door.
Both West pens are separated by an inside fence, and same for both East pens.

Now, with four pop-doors that don't face each other kept open and four large pens - and hens in each pen supposedly - would I be trying for trouble between 2-3 roosters kept in this area?

Each rooster would have some hen time without another roo breathing down his back.

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