Do you let your chickens out in the rain?

My chickens love the run weather it's raining or not,but they do tend to go inside when it's heavy they love to play in the puddles that get made ,I sometimes dump bucket of water in there run in one spot so they can cool off and cuz they love it,but I use wood pune shavings in coop and in run its dirt so we put some fresh grass on top but they also have a corner were there is sand for them to lay in they live it
i just let my biddies do what they want... usually they all pile into one big heap and cuddle together to keep warm... either that or they run around squarking their heads off!! like as if i can do anything about it!:lau
My chickens like light rain but run for cover when it gets heavy. I have Guineas in with my chickens and they could care less what the weather is. If they're not out side they go nuts. It's funny how pitiful the chickens look when they're all wet though. Can't help but feel for 'em. I guess they know what they're doing, or at least I hope they do.
If you grab a chicken after she's been out in the rain and feel her feathers, you'll see that her skin is actually dry. Chicken feathers are water resistant and very insulating. If your chickens want to go out in the rain, let them. Some like it, some don't.

I would say put shavings in the coop and sand in the run. Although I've never tried sand in the coop--some people swear by it.
I have sand in my coop. It makes it easy to clean with a cat litter scooper. Also it drys fast.
Really? That's impressive. I guess it's time to put the lamp away, then. Thanks for that info.
Mine have the option to go out in the rain, and they do when it's drizzle but anything heavier than that, they head inside. I don't worry much about them being wet unless it's cold out or 'bedtime' - then I put on the heat lamps. They are still young - about 14 weeks - and I'm probably babying them more than they need. But they just look pathetic when they're wet .
Instead of a heat lamp you should try a " cozy coop" it puts off heat but only if they stand next to it and it won't start a fire.
It's been raining pretty good down here lately and my chickens LOVE IT. They are all about playing in the rain and splashing lol. I don't think it can really hurt them due to their water-slicking feathers that also should keep them warm. I always keep their coop open for them though in case the rain gets heavy enough they choose to go in or they need a break.
My chickens were standing under a stream of water in the rain..... as long as they have shelter available, letting them out in the rain is fine.
What do you all use in your coops and runs? I put woody chips in the run to help with the mud situatio. So ffar so good. What do you use. I might switch to sand in the coop.
I love sand!!!! Everything stays so clean and you can lightly rake up any poop every other day or so without Worries. Sand inside coop and run. :thumbsup:yesss:

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