do you like geese? anyone can answer you don't have to own any geese

Mine dont attack strangers but they sure put up a noise when something strange is around! My friend has cotton patch geese and I really like the looks of those!
I dont eat my geese but make my $$$ for the year on the eggs and goslings. With such a large flock I "usually" have many to sell. I say usually because two years ago I have NOT ONE BABY hatch! I dont want to jinx myself for this spring for sure.
Mine dont attack strangers but they sure put up a noise when something strange is around!  My friend has cotton patch geese and I really like the looks of those!
I dont eat my geese but make my $$$ for the year on the eggs and goslings.  With such a large flock I "usually" have many to sell.  I say usually because two years ago I have NOT ONE BABY hatch!  I dont want to jinx myself for this spring for sure.
sounds as though your geese are very intuitive. That's cool.
Just went and looked at the cotton patch geese. Cute. The only geese I am familiar with are the wild Canadian. I like the thicker necks and fuller heads on these CPGs.
My dad and I met a guy in Texas who has them they were quite docile (I won't say they were friendly cause they ran a way from us...) but they were very pretty and he said they don't wander he said he has a pond about 200 feet from their shed (he free ranges them) and he said they've never been there
My dad and I met a guy in Texas who has them they were quite docile (I won't say they were friendly cause they ran a way from us...) but they were very pretty and he said they don't wander he said he has a pond about 200 feet from their shed (he free ranges them) and he said they've never been there
that's interesting about the pond. I wonder why. Are they a breed who doesn't like being touched or petted?

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