Do you play favorites? Admit's OK....I won't tell the others....

I have a couple of brahmas, some cochins, three, EE's, red sex link and black sex link chicks. Out of all of them a non descript red sex link is the only one I have named. She is entirely generic except that she is very brave and jumps up on my leg and then where ever else she can reach. She doesnt run or flap at me unless I try to actually pick her up. She likes me so naturally of course I like her! Her name by the way is Belle Star, after the outlaw crazy wild west lady. :D
I REALLY like all of my chicken but there are always some special ones.

The brown one is my number one hen. She's sweet, makes trumpeting sounds when I come outside and her head looks like that of a hawk.(although now she has a huge comb and looks slightly different) The white one is also very sweet while the black one is scared to death of my hands.

This is the chick I helped hatch a few weeks ago.

Helping a chick hatch definitely creates a special bond. I can't wait to see what he/she looks like when grown up!

The smalles rooster I ever had. He was somewhere on the bottom of the pecking order and always came to me when some other chicken attacked him. I sold him to some friends :)

This is my most beautiful rooster. Believe it or not he is the half-brother of the small rooster in the picture above this one. They have the same father but this one's mother is a bantam silky. Some how he turned out huge- more than double the size of both mom and dad. And his colours are just incredible.

All the chicken in my flock are great but these just stand out.
Yes, I had a favorite growing up...Grasshopper, a light colored sex link. We caught grasshoppers together, and she'd sleep on my lap. Starting my own little flock now. They're only 10 weeks, but their personalities are starting to develop. They are slightly overshadowed by a gregarious Pekin duckling we have too which has quickly won our hearts!
They are both adorable, however I'm particularly drawn to Aino. I had one polish and she ended up being a he so I had to get rid of him yesterday. :'(
Beautiful birds!


And Fern ( also featured in profile pic when she was a bit younger)
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We have 18 hens and 6 different breeds. By FAR, my favorite is our little Brahma, Napoultreon Bonaparte (named by my 21-year-old son; go figure). She is so friendly, always the first to run over to you and hop into your lap. She gets along well with the other girls and is usually pretty amenable to being picked up and held. Now, if I could say the same for Georgia Mae, our white Plymouth Rock -- Georgia is on the other end of the scale. She will not win any personality awards anytime soon. ;-)

Welcome to the BYC. I am in Marble Falls, TX just down the road from you. I counted 102 chickens earlier this week. Most of them are in the grow out pens we will keep about 40 mature birds. We have names for all the mature birds. My favories vary from breed to breed and flock to flock. Hmmm...favorites I guess it would be "Lilly".

My wife has spot lights for about 6-7 of our other "favorites" on the Mother Hen Garden Kitchen and Coop blog complete with there photos personalities, etc. :)
I REALLY like all of my chicken but there are always some special ones.

The brown one is my number one hen. She's sweet, makes trumpeting sounds when I come outside and her head looks like that of a hawk.(although now she has a huge comb and looks slightly different) The white one is also very sweet while the black one is scared to death of my hands.

This is the chick I helped hatch a few weeks ago.

Helping a chick hatch definitely creates a special bond. I can't wait to see what he/she looks like when grown up!

The smalles rooster I ever had. He was somewhere on the bottom of the pecking order and always came to me when some other chicken attacked him. I sold him to some friends :)

This is my most beautiful rooster. Believe it or not he is the half-brother of the small rooster in the picture above this one. They have the same father but this one's mother is a bantam silky. Some how he turned out huge- more than double the size of both mom and dad. And his colours are just incredible.

All the chicken in my flock are great but these just stand out.
Those are great pictures - thank you for sharing! That little guy is adorable!
My 3 EE's and my tiny little Bilbette. I just love my EE's personalities and I adore my tiny Bilbette. She is easily the smallest chicken I have ever seen. The rest of the flock is much bigger than her so she has a hard time snatching any treats. My big fatty's will swipe whatever she gets straight out of her beak. I'll usually throw a couple treats one way to distract the big girls then toss one to her. :) She does the snatch and grab and starts clucking away with it in her beak. lol She's strictly a pet but if she ever goes broody I *might* be able to fit 1 or 2 eggs under her.

My 3 EE's

Bilbette :)

Here she is beside some of my big girls. They're also a week younger than her. That's Betty (SLW), Lady and I believe Amelia. I can't tell a couple of the Reds apart unless I can see the back of their "necklace" as I call the ring of light feathers around their necks.
Bilbette is a cutie pie!!

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