Do you use homemade laundry detergent?

Well, I kept it in the sun and was religious about whisking it 3 or 4 times a day, and it has gotten better. I even brought it into the house and we are using it now -- Yeah!

I do like it, I'll just have to remember to boil it a little longer next time, and make sure there aren't any lumps in my washing soda or borax.
Glad to hear about adding vinegar!
I had used the liquid home made soap for a good 10 months or more and began to experience what you stated: the towels would not soak up the water anymore. They began to feel and look dingy and the whites were just not white anymore. The soap was not coming out of the clothing. So I went back to the store bought soap.
I am going to try this again using the vinegar or even maybe the baking soda.
Does anyone know if the baking soda is going to act kind of like bleach and ruin any of my cloths? Or is the amount so low that it would not do that?
Glad to hear about adding vinegar!
I had used the liquid home made soap for a good 10 months or more and began to experience what you stated: the towels would not soak up the water anymore. They began to feel and look dingy and the whites were just not white anymore. The soap was not coming out of the clothing. So I went back to the store bought soap.
I am going to try this again using the vinegar or even maybe the baking soda.
Does anyone know if the baking soda is going to act kind of like bleach and ruin any of my cloths? Or is the amount so low that it would not do that?

I put vinegar in all my washes and also in my fabric softener. I put baking soda, washing soda and borax in my laundry detergent. None of them damage the colored clothes.
Well, I just used my first homemade dry laundry soap. And I LOVE IT so far. My clothes came out soft and smell clean and fresh. Used fels-naphtha, borax, and washing soda. Put white vinegar in the rinse. I am truly impressed! The real test will be on my DH smelly work clothes!
I've got all of my ingredents together yea!!!
Just one question, and I hope it doesn't sound stupid. What kind of pot do you melt (cook) your soap in?

I have an alumiun (sp) one and also teflon one. Also does it come clean to use for cooking in? I hope this doesn't sound silly just wanting to know if I have to
find a pot just for the soap. Thanks for answering. Love this website!!!!
White Mountains - I found Arm & Hammer Washing Soda right next to the Borax at my local Walmart. I am making my own dishwasher detergent and needed these items. So it looks like I will be making laundry detergent next since the dishwasher detergent recipe doesn't use that much of those two items.

Anybody use the powdered version? I was thinking of doing up the powder recipe from the DIY link that someone had posted. The Fels-Naptha dissolves just fine even in cold water? I always use the cold tap water temp selection on my washer unless I am doing whites or something heavily soiled.
Here's a link to the dishwasher detergent recipe that I'm going to be whipping up:

found many similar recipes to this just doubled. You can use a 1/4 cup of citric acid in place of the unsweentened lemonade packets. I couldn't find any food grade citric acid in a container. The only place that carried regular food grade citric acid was a health food store. They were out of it, but I am sure it would be expensive! I didn't realize you could use Fruit Fresh from the canning department of the grocery store, too, until I got home and read a little more about it. I am going to try to see if I can buy it from the local Amish bulk store, local bakery or brewery. Hoping the Amish have it. I know they will probably be cheapest!
I did research on this too. If you go over to the companion web site and search homemade laundry detergent you will find it works just for HE washers. marketing and propaganda go a long way in this country. Look at your labels and the ingredients in the 'expensive' detergent and what is in the 'homemade' stuff. I have been using it for the last few months and my cloths are cleaner and smell better and it is easy to make. I also made my own dishwasher detergent and I have to say it out cleans the fancy stuff.

I like the ability to create my own scent and I spend about .01 a load for laundry or dishes.

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