Do your chickens go out in the snow?

Will your chickens walk in snow?

  • a. No way! One look at the white stuff and they huddle inside.

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • b. Yes, but only about an inch, any more than that and they stay inside.

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • c. Yes, they wade right out into 2+ inches of snow or more.

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • d. I don't open their door if it snows because I think it's too wet/cold for them to be outside.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My chickens love a sunny, snow covered day. They will poke around the edge of buildings and fencelines where the snow is easily scratched up and try to find a stray meal or so. I usually take advantage of days like that to throw some BOSS into their bedding so they will have something to "forage" and I will get their deep litter turned, fluffed and aerated.
It would have to actually snow for me to know the answer! The closest thing we've had to it (a brief spell of mini hail), I ran out to see and they were running around and eating it like it was scratch.
Snow? What's snow...hmm...*does google search*.
. Oh, it's one of those weird things that happens in every state but Texas. little spoiled peeps wait for me to rake them a path so they can wonder about in the yard..but step on it with their precious little feet....I think not.
That was last snow this year so maybe they would...ROFL
It seems to be breed related. Both of my coops are about 4 feet above the ground, and unless the wind is really severe and the snow is deep that area stays dry and snow-free. I prop open the doors and usually scrape the snow off the ramp. Most of them jump under the coop for their daily treats. A few will have nothing to do with it and stay inside. If I put some scratch out on top of the snow, which I do only if the snow is less than 4 inches deep, then many of them will forage in the snow. Each bird is so individual. Funny to watch.
We got about 4 inches of fluffy snow last week and the chickens would not come out in it. The ducks on the other hand, were in their glory. The were burrying themselves and taking snow baths. The chickens looked at the ducks in the snow and said "You gotta be kidding me!" lol We had 54 degrees the next day and it was all gone my noon.
Lately my girls have been checking each morning when I open the pop door before they come bounding out. Normally they all bust out with gusto each morning, but now that they have discovered that the scary white stuff could be out there, they have been standing at the pop hole, peering out first to see if it snowed over night before attacking the morning. If they see snow, they slowly walk down the ramp til they get near the bottom. If it is only a couple inches deep, they will walk VERY carefully thru it, as if there might not be a bottom! If it is too deep, they will refuse to come out of the coop period!
I leave the door open unless it's super cold, and someone must be out walking in the snow because I've seen little chicken footprints out there. Not sure which ones are out there, though. What I've noticed they really hate is the wind. The wind gets brutal out here on the prairie! They peek their heads out and run inside.
Last winter they didn't have much choice & they had to deal with it if they wanted to be out of the coop. This winter, they have gotten smart & they avoid it if possible. I had to bribe them with mealworms the other day just to come to the pop door. They looked out the window, saw the snow & decided it was gonna be an inside day!

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