Does any one else Feed dog and cat food?

I feed it in the winter. No problems with it, and they seem to do well on it. I just add it to their layer pellets. I get the stuff from the dollar store. The cat kibble is small enough for them to eat, but the dog kibble usually needs to be soaked. They love the fishy canned cat food best.
Wow, my chickens just absolutely love dog food and will actually fight our dogs for it!

My big fat Buff, Buttercup, would eat it all day long if I didn't limit her. I really worry about them getting too much... The only thing that makes them forget about raiding the dogs' dishes is a big cup of cheese, their second favorite treat, or corn.
I feed my peahens dry catfood. It's the only feed I offer them, other than that they freerange and are fat and shiny girls.
What and ingenious idea!! Way cool!!


Now THAT'S some redneck ingenuity isn't it? LOL

In my best deep south voice

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllll YYYYYYYYYYYYYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
My chickens will help themselves to my cats dry food, and seem to love it!! I was wondering why everyone feeds cat/dog food? To help on grain bills or does it have added benefits over the grain? I have only been raising chickens for the past couple of years, and learning as I go through trial and error and this board
Like Cluckers&Quackers my bunch will make their rounds and help themselves to the cat food. Feeding it to them directly? "No". Why bother, they'll go get some along with pig, goat, horse and what ever mess the dogs leave (not exactly chicken bite size food).
cluckers&quackers :

My chickens will help themselves to my cats dry food, and seem to love it!! I was wondering why everyone feeds cat/dog food? To help on grain bills or does it have added benefits over the grain? I have only been raising chickens for the past couple of years, and learning as I go through trial and error and this board

I feed a lot of it because it is free. The protein is as high or higher then the store bought grains.

I do feed them oyster shell and provide ground granite, plenty of clean - ice free water (no small task this year) and brome hay.​

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