Does anyone know alot about Bearded Dragons? Added pictures:-)


10 Years
Jul 27, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
I rescued 3 beardies about 6 weeks ago. Two are of one breed and one is a smaller breed. the small one we named Baby and the other 2 are Dolly and Griffin. The 2 females are Baby and Dolly and they are missing part of their tails due to Griffin. This happened way before I got them. Baby had also had her front left leg damage and since we have gotten her (and taken her to the vet) foot has fallen off. They are doing well now with plenty of cricketts, mealworms and salad greens. Baby has gained a whole ounce and is looking so much better. Now my question is about Dolly (she is going to the vet tomorrow), she has been digging around like a crazy dragon, I have a cave enclosure in there for them along with a large piece of driftwood for them to climb on, she has gotten herself inside the cave and stays in there digging and gotten to the bottom of the aquarium (I can see under the stand)and just lays there. Is she trying to lay eggs?

Can anyone recommend a very detailed imformative book for their care and health concerns?

Thanks in advance!!

Here are few pictures of them:
Baby before her foot fell off.


Baby after the foot fell off:


Dolly and Griffen

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My vet just gave me a detailed care list and chart for my 2. They were both boys though and one only had 3 legs to. I had to give him a shot everyother day so it would not get infected. I would call your vet and ask someone there and also when you take her in tomorrow. Type it in google and see what pops up.
Yea I have asked them and not much help. He says that there are so many out there. I really like the vet though, he gave my Baby some liquid Baytril and probiotics and she is looking so wonderful now. I posted some pictures of them all.
I saw that right after i posted my comment. They are very cute! And hope those tails grow back lol. I would just search google. Mine had a dead leg and i didnt have the money to amputate it so my vet tied it off for me and it fell off. Thats why i had to give him shots every other day. My vet is very good to. She has seen all my retiles. Unfortunitly both of mine passed about 6 months later for un known reason. My vet couldnt even figure it out because they were completely healthy
Oh I am so sorry for your losses. I was thinking that she was going to lose her whole leg as well, but it was just scabbed up to past the knee (if they have knees. lol) but the scab started to fall off and I am such a worrier but she is such a trooper to have bounced back and unfortunatley the tails won't grow back, but they are very happy and getting healthier each and every day. I am so glad I found them and rescued them.
They look great! Be careful with the sand, I had a beardie growing up. He got an impaction from the sand and needed emergency veterinary attention. You probably noticed that they have a tendency to lick EVERYTHING and also, unless you feed in a separate feeding enclosure, can dive after a cricket and get a mouthful of sand!

Never dealt with a gravid beardie, but have dealt with gravid crested geckos. Gentle abdominal palpation should reveal if she is gravid or not, as you can feel the eggs when they are about to lay.

Oh, and to save you an absolute fortune on crickets, I have two words for you. Blaptica dubia . Yes, that is a roach. But they are so easy to breed, raise, and feed to your beardies. A starter colony of adults and juvies only take a few weeks to get established and start producing! They cannot climb glass. I kept a colony in a big rubbermaid bin in a warm part of the basement. They are a tropical species, so any that escape won't infest your house, they need warm temps to reproduce, and they'll just die. They have a large, meaty body and aren't too chitinous. Like with any insect you are feeding to your bearded dragons, dust them with a good calcium and vitamin powder.
O WOW!!!!! I love Beardies!!! I had my Lookie Lou for over 6 years, she was huge over 21 inches long and gorgeous.
I had her a outside cage and this summer in Texas it got too hot for her over 110, and she could not take it and passed.. I miss her sooo much. After 18 month they are considered adults and females will go into brumation ( hybernation) for several days, weeks even MONTHS. just popping out every once in a while to eat a few crickets and then right back to the hide. They will also shed their skin at least once a year after being adults. Several times during the first year and the biggest growing spurts. Just make sure you have a good UVB light for them and replace it at least every 6 months. they need that sun light. Good luck
When I get home from work this is what we find in the aquarium:


We count roughly 13 eggs not counting what we can't see in the sand.

Does anyone know how to make it so they hatch (if they are fertile that is)? She has buried them under the cave, I just picked it up to make sure there were eggs under there and sure enough there were.

What do I need to do to give them every opportunity to hatch? Any good books out there?
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Dolly was definitely gravid see the picture I just posted. I have also found place for crickets. I really don't know if I have a place that would be warm enough except in my house and crickets are bad enough, but my husband may not appreciate roaches inside. lol. Thank you though and will keep them in mind for the future.

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