Does anyone sell their eggs to farmers markets?


11 Years
Jan 9, 2009
For those of you who sell your eggs to farmers markets, are you making any money doing it? Or would it make sense to try and sell them yourself?

I just figured the farmers markets already have a customer base and I could feed off that but I would have to sell my eggs for lower prices.

What do you people do with your eggs in terms of sales?
^Besides for eating purposes. Lol.
Alot of people donated things to my coop and chickens. My Dad helped me build the run and made the screen door for himself...he'll get some eggs. My cousins owns a pizza shop and a few days a week the chickens FEAST on their leftover veggies... they'll get some eggs. My neighbor gave me roofing for the get the idea.
Once, I "pay" everyone back, I'm not sure what I'll do with my surplus, but I think I see lotsa baking in my future!
In Colorado a lot of farmers markets are part of an association. The association rules state you can't sell eggs unless they are graded, and your place is licensed and inspected.

I could only sell hatching eggs or "pet food" eggs if I was to set up a booth.
I have thought about selling eggs at a Farmer's market, but as Wifezilla says- I am sure the rules vary by the individual Farmer's markets (and state of course too).

I know here you can sell up to 250 dozen per month without a license and they are selling for about $2.50-$3.00 a dozen. When you figure in time and expense, that is not a lot of money. If you just want a fun part time source of income, I say go for it. You might try something like selling on Craig's List too.
I posted an ad asking for egg cartons on Freecycle. I got my first egg customer that way! She didn't have cartons, but she wanted to buy eggs! I have friends with chickens that have gotten customers similar ways.
I was/ am thinking about doing it in my neck of Colorado but... The rules for my local farmers market said any sales over $5000 needed to be FDA inspected. Ok no problem, I'll stay under $5000.

Then I started thinkng about it some more:
I would imagine that it would be a hot item since nobody else does it. I think I could easily sell out with 10 doz in the space of a couple hours, now do the math - booth space is negligible for my area, let's say $10/week. Sell 10 doz eggs - lets be optimistic and say we're getting $3.50/doz for them. OK $35 - $10 space = $25 profit for two hours work (provided I can leave when I'm done selling the eggs, some places have rules about how long you have to stay) The hard part would be getting 10 doz eggs to sell every week. I'm going to be conservative here and say that I can get 4 eggs/week from each chicken, that is 30 chickens just have selling eggs let alone what I want to keep/ give away. And that only satisfies 10 customers if they buy a doz each.

I'm not that big yet. I think it can be done, but make sure you run all the numbers and don't end up actualy 'giving' them away.

ETA: Right now I can sell to friends, who know I have chickens, for $2.50/doz, still make the same amt of profit I would at a market , and not have to mess with all the rules or devoting every Saturday to do it.
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Unless you have a lot of chickens, you should really have something else to bring too. Fresh herbs? Bedding plants? Garden produce?

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