Does chicken need to be aged like beef?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 29, 2011

Does chicken need to be aged like beef? If yes how should it be done?

Thank you
It doesn't need to be aged, but most folks like it rested before cooking. Resting is storing the chicken or brining it for a day or two prior to cooking. Some folkd like to process and eat. It is really personal preference. Resting the bird does allow the meat to break down some and therefore be more tender.
Hi, we wait a few days, up to five, after putting them in the fridge.
Once I cooked up these cockrels that were really inedible. Rubber bands!! They were about 14 weeks old so I though it was their age. I even told someone on this site not to bother to try to eat their 5 month old rooster and she came back and said she did and it was good. Anyway, now I think that those inedible cockerels of mine were in rigor. So you should wait at least two days, IMO. Just stick them in the fridge. I raise regular heavy breed males for meat now,not xrocks, I butcher them at about 10 weeks and rest them for 3-5 days then eat or put in freezer. They are good!
It says to rest them in a book I have, too.
I rest the birds for a day in the fridge after processing. When I've eaten them without resting them, they were rubbery/chewy. After only a day of rest, they're perfect. We only sell them the day after they are processed for this reason.
Thanks for this info. We slaughtered 2 pekin ducks yesterday and wondered about this sine we planned on putting them on the smoker today.

Does chicken need to be aged like beef? If yes how should it be done?

Thank you

Once the birds have been slaughtered, they need to be placed into storage...either frozen or in the fridge.

If you are wanting to sample your product, wait 24 hrs before eating any birds that you slaughter....the texture and flavor of the meat will improve after that time.
I wasn't expecting those answers...learning here =) When you buy chicken at the supermarket...I was taught not to leave it in the fridge because it will go bad. Is this because it has previously been frozen? I would be nervous to eat meat after it had been in the fridge for 5 days.
Aged, yes. But not like beef.

The bird has to be rested long enough for rigor to pass. Usually 1 day, but sometimes 2 days. If the legs and wings can be moved easily, rigor has passed and the bird can be eaten.

Store bought chickens might already be a week or two past their slaughter date. That's why you don't allow them to sit around for days. If you butcher your own chicken, 5 days in the fridge and it is still fresh and nice. If you buy a chicken at the store and it is already two weeks old, another 5 days in the fridge and it might still be OK to eat (do the sniff test), but it certainly is not going to be as fresh and nice as your home raised chicken.
Aged, yes. But not like beef.

The bird has to be rested long enough for rigor to pass. Usually 1 day, but sometimes 2 days. If the legs and wings can be moved easily, rigor has passed and the bird can be eaten.

Store bought chickens might already be a week or two past their slaughter date. That's why you don't allow them to sit around for days. If you butcher your own chicken, 5 days in the fridge and it is still fresh and nice. If you buy a chicken at the store and it is already two weeks old, another 5 days in the fridge and it might still be OK to eat (do the sniff test), but it certainly is not going to be as fresh and nice as your home raised chicken.
Yes...that is correct.

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