Does Egglaying Become Easier?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 9, 2012
Vivian, our Japanese Bantam is 20 weeks old and just produced her first egg two days ago. I can tell she's working on laying another one today and she seems so stressed out! She's pacing back and forth, in and out of the coop and nesting box, flying on top of the coop (something she never does) and making odd, disgruntled noises. She's been at it for a couple of hours now.

Does egg laying become an easier, routine activity for them after a while? Will the process become quicker for her? She looks so confused and freaked out.... I feel bad!
It will pobably become easier for her in time. Margaret (my first laying hen) had no trouble at all and by the time we found out she was laying she already had five eggs in her secret nest. Maybe she's eggbound. I've never had this happen, thankfully. But I think your hen shows simptoms. If this continues into tomorrow, I would take her to a vet.
Thanks for the reply! About 3 minutes after I posted this thread I went out back and found her on the patio. I checked the nesting box and sure enough, another little egg! She's layed two eggs in three days, so I don't think she's eggbound, I just think she's confused about what the heck is going on with her body. ;)
They do appear confused at the beginning sometimes. It gets better but some may continue to have issues. You'll hear about it, squawk squawk. Nothing to worry over.

They are often clunky at the start of laying but, in general, do get more proficient. Soon you'll hve a pro!
I think it does take them a few times to figure out just exactly what is going on. My little bantam EE ran around and sang the "egg" song for hours the first few times she laid - I thought sure my neighbors would complain but after a few times she seemed to calm down and learned to deal with it. She has always been a bit melodramatic though. LOL I do have an Australorp who wants everyone to sing the egg song with her. It's really quite funny.

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