Does this look like Marek's Disease?

Hi Everyone, thanks for all the responses to my post. My chicken is still the same, No noteable progression towards either better or worse. She is still eating and drinking, and I got my hands on two items. I would like to reach out to see which one you recommend for my birdie....I've got Poultry Nutri-drench, and the Poly Vi-Sol. Nutri-drench contains a lot more things than the Poly Vi-Sol, but appears to be lacking Riboflavin and Vit E (which Poly Vi-Sol includes). Should I give the Nutri-drench and add a separate dose of Riboflavin and Vit E? If so, how much? My bird weighs 1.5 pounds.

Both contain Vitamins A and D3 and Thiamine.

Additionally, the Poly Vi-Sol does not explicitly say "without iron", but I don't see it listed as an item on the bottle either, so assuming it has none.

Nutri drench does contain some iron and the list of what is in it can be found here:

Oh, and one more question...If it is Marek's how quickly does it generally progress?

Thanks everyone!
Sorry, I don't know which supplement....hopefully someone that has used them can answer you. I have found that not a lot of people want to talk about Merek:s or admit they have experience it because it is kinda like Aides....since now your flock and property and flocks to come can/will get it or at least carry it. I was heart broken this summer when almost half my new shipment was wiped out.. Your youngest ones are the most susceptible of course but any chickens stressed or with low immune systems are susceptible.

I don't know how big your flock is but my best advice is to put that precious Silkie down and have her sent out for a necropsy. Unless she is your only bird, you have to think of your entire flock. The more information you can get right away the better. It potentially can spread quickly through an entire flock so move quickly to isolate, find cause, clean and do everything you can to bolster the rest of your flock. Usually they die days to a week AND some survive. But they all carry it FOREVER. No more re-homing roosters.

Herpes Virus is people or birds (I am a nurse so am VERY aware). I think there is yet much to learn. Best not to take this chicken into the house. The Herpes Virus travels on your shoes and clothes. Just keep an eye on the big picture which is YOUR house/family and the rest of your FLOCK. Use the best measures you can (read up....lots out there). I strip outer clothes and shoes at the door and use a bleach spray of some kind before going to another chicken. Please keep us posted.

Do you have an AviaryVet available?

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