Does white DE mean food grade?


10 Years
Jul 19, 2009
If DE is white, does that for sure mean it's the food grade? I mean, if it's not food-grade would it be some other color?

A man at a weekend flea market sells Diatomite (which I saw is another name for Diatomaceous earth). He re-packages it in ziploc bags to be affordable for people wanting to buy a small amount.

I'm thinking of going this weekend and seeing if he actually has a whole bag I can buy so that I can for sure see if it's the food grade.

I know I have seen the smaller packages he sells and it is white.
NO, color means nothing to distinguish food grade or not. Color is usually a marker of filtration size like 2 micron, 1 micron, .5 micron sterile etc. I have seen DE from White to Pink and it was all food grade.....most pool DE is white that I have seen.
Good thought on seeing the whole bag, Mine says "food chemicals Codex Grade" right ont he front of the bag beneath the "Dicalite Diatomite" label and also has a picture of a glass and fork on it.
Hope that helps
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I saw some at a feed store the other day that said "Diatomaceous Earth" but also said "Red Lake Earth" on it. It was also gray. I didn't trust it and based on some speculation on some research/Googling I did I stayed away from it. Going to bite the bullet and order the Perma Guard food grade DE. Just seems more credible and a better bet so to speak. Won't have to worry about it...Just my $.02...

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