DOG ALLERGIC TO EVERYTHING-meds making him vomit:( UPDATE 11/5/11

You mentioned a yeasty smell. And no one has put him on ketaconazole? If not, he needs to be. It will help with skin and ears. You will not be able to totally clear up the skin if you're still having a yeast over growth

Nope havent heard of it but will mention to the vet in about an hour when I go:) Thank you...
Who did you test with? How long was he off the antibiotics and steroids, etc?

MMM forgot the name of the company but its the one most vets in NY use..Ill get the name-he hasn't been on antibiotics for a long time-over a year ago...He got a steroid shot about 12 days ago to stop him from licking/chewing/biting/etc....the shot lasts up to 3 weeks
Just as a suggestion... WITHOUT reading these ten pages... Lol. Have you tried switching the dog to an all raw meat diet? MOST, not all, illnesses in dogs and cats are curable by raw diets.
YES! hahaha it was mentioned on many pages and some folks helped me out tremndously with diets and such...We are in the middle of creating a raw type of diet with him.

His allergy testing picked up very slight points on rice-whey-pork-corn-etc....150 points being bad he was 10 or below to a 0 on everything except eggs 45 points haha-just my luck as I have alot of them
He is not allergic to any kind of dog food BUT Im staying away from anything with rice since he did trigger 15 points on rice-1 point on corn.

I just bathed him in his new and 4th shampoo "Phytovet PSS-antiseborrheic" smells wonderful:) 2x a week- them he gets dermoscent 1x a week-topical...well see as this is a test run for a month or two. In the mean time I bought sweet potatoes-chicken and such to create his diet with some vitamins:)
I'm glad I read at least the LAST post, because I was just about to suggest this. Some animals are just downright allergic to vegetables (don't 5yr-olds wish they could be!!), and the primary ingredient in food is grain and ground up you-really-don't-want-to-know-what-goes-into-meat-meal.

ETA: I've used peppermint castille soap for a lot of skin ailments (both my cats and myself) and it works wonderfully. It has the additional bonus of repelling fleas, as insects loathe the smell of peppermint - AND the dog smells good, too!

As a chemist, I steer as clear as possible of "wonder drugs" (read: if I can't read it and know immediately what plant/animal it came from, I don't use it) like your vet will probably give - but the trial & error of finding what works is a consideration to balance.

Good luck!!!

YES! hahaha it was mentioned on many pages and some folks helped me out tremndously with diets and such...We are in the middle of creating a raw type of diet with him.

His allergy testing picked up very slight points on rice-whey-pork-corn-etc....150 points being bad he was 10 or below to a 0 on everything except eggs 45 points haha-just my luck as I have alot of them
He is not allergic to any kind of dog food BUT Im staying away from anything with rice since he did trigger 15 points on rice-1 point on corn.

I just bathed him in his new and 4th shampoo "Phytovet PSS-antiseborrheic" smells wonderful:) 2x a week- them he gets dermoscent 1x a week-topical...well see as this is a test run for a month or two. In the mean time I bought sweet potatoes-chicken and such to create his diet with some vitamins:)
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My Cats eat Solid Gold, Innova and Evo. They have pretty severe food allergies.
When we adopted Rinky Dinky, A Pom/Chow mix (think Pom size, Chow head) He came with major skin problems. He gets severe hot spots and yeast infections every year, but I've found several things that help.....
First, he's allergic to fleas so Advantage all the more fleas (he does still occasionally have issues with spider bites cause we live in the country and they come with the territory).
Second, food allergies....He does best on Solid Gold, Innova or Evo...I went straight to those since they worked for 15 years already for my cats. His coat comes in wonderfully thick and luxurious on these....
He is terribly allergic to Alfalfa hay, he used to wait for me snuggled up against the bales until I realized that it made the hot spots worse in exactly those spots. For the hot spots, I found a homemade treatment works crazy good....
I use olive oil, coconut oil, tea tree, lavender, Epsom salts. Mix together warmed up enough to dissolve the Epsom salts. Apply to the spots several times a day. Sometimes I'll alternate between this and Nu Stock (check your local livestock supply center). He recovers quickly, but I have to keep a close eye on him because alot of things in the air make him break out.....When I come to the kitchen in the morning with a headache from the junk/pollen/ag sprays in the air and I look at Dink and see his eyes all goopy too, I pour him a shot of kids benadryl and myself a shot of good strong coffee and we just hang around feeling sorry for ourselves til it passes.
I wish you luck in finding a solution quickly.

I didnt wait
The starches were to replace rice and corn in dog food and all the processed stuff in regular bagged dog food...

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