Dog attack, how to help my poor girl (graphic pictures)


7 Years
May 29, 2012
Darke County, Ohio
Hi all,

Today my poor Minnie had a fight with a neighbor's dog. The dog tore her up pretty badly. Her skin is ripped open from halfway down her back all the way to her tail, and the dog chewed into the muscle right above her tail/into her thigh. I brought her in, cleaned the wound and blu-koted it. It has been several hours and she is eating and pooping, and walking around a little bit. Is there anything else I should do to help her out? Should I cover the wound? This is my first dog attack that didn't end in fatality, so I am not sure what to do for her. I am including a picture of the wound, the blu-kote makes it look awful but it is still pretty bad without it. Thanks!

I had my ducks mauled by my dog the best thing you can do is keep her warm and from going into shock. next you need to make sure wound is clean even just warm water will be fine. next it may hurt her but put antibiotic ointment or spray on wound. spray is better but ointment is just fine if thats all you got. do not cover wound clean once a day till scab starts growning. the main thing is to keep her from going into shock. I kept mine together in the house cage over night. I hope she gets well soon I to have a chicken named minnie she is a bantam not sure what kind though.
Ibtw hun I had to get rid of my dog the third time she attacked them and believe me she went threw three fences and broke a chain to finih the job be aware that once that dog got a bite of her it will kill it's self to finish her off.
Thank you. She is in our bathroom right now, which is the warmest room in the house. Will the blu-kote be ok for an antiseptic, or should I get something else?

The dog belongs to some people across town. It killed six of my bantams this fall, and so now every time it gets loose it makes a beeline for our house. I don't know how he got her out of her run, it didn't seem like the wire was torn at all. I will have to take a better look at it in the morning. It is upsetting, but the reason the dog keeps getting out is because the people run a youth ministry and the kids they work with are not very careful to keep the dog in the house. :(
Thank you. She is in our bathroom right now, which is the warmest room in the house. Will the blu-kote be ok for an antiseptic, or should I get something else?

The dog belongs to some people across town. It killed six of my bantams this fall, and so now every time it gets loose it makes a beeline for our house. I don't know how he got her out of her run, it didn't seem like the wire was torn at all. I will have to take a better look at it in the morning. It is upsetting, but the reason the dog keeps getting out is because the people run a youth ministry and the kids they work with are not very careful to keep the dog in the house. :(

I am sorry to say it next time that dog comes round I would shoot it. Dogs arejust as capable turning wild as a cat even with owners notifiy police of course then if it comes around again shoot it I had to put my dog down she was 2 tees old it killed me but she would never quite till she killed herself or my ducks. She had three chance third time I took her to herresting spot.
Dogs have a great deal of fun killing chickens. They kill for sport and don't stop until they can't find any more birds to kill or they are interrupted. They ALWAYS come back for more fun. I would inform the dogs owner of the problems the dog is causing and demand compensation for your losses and that he/she keep their dog under control and off your property. It doesn't pay to involve law enforcement as they are too busy with more serious business. Your only hope is to reform the dog owner's behavior, the dog won't change.

When the dog comes back again to cause more damage I would kill it and discretely dispose of it. If the owner comes looking for his dog you haven't seen it. People that don't keep their dogs under control have no business owning a dog.

Any shotgun slug will take care of the problem immediately.
She didn't get into fight with a dog, that was a dog attack plain and simple.

That is a severe wound and I doubt she will survive. If she survives she probably won't produce eggs for quite some time making her uneconomical to keep unless she is a cherished pet.

I have raised chickens for 35 years and have endured three severe dog attacks losing half of my 50 chicken flock each time. I won't bore you with the horrific stories of dog damage I have endured. I now have ZERO tolerance for dogs attacking my yardbirds. If a dog comes into my property killing my chickens that dog will die, the sooner the better.

Don't get me wrong, I like dogs. I had a good dog once, she lived to be 16 and when she was around I did not have to worry about another dog harassing my flock. She took care of that.

Over the course of 35 years I lost three chickens to hawks and over fifty to dogs. When a hawk shows up I just keep my chickens inside until the hawk moves on to greener pastures. The dogs always come back and when they do I am waiting for them with my 20 gauge shotgun loaded with slugs.

If you are an irresponsible dog owner and let your dog run unsupervised do not be surprised when it does not come home.
She didn't get into fight with a dog, that was a dog attack plain and simple.

That is a severe wound and I doubt she will survive. If she survives she probably won't produce eggs for quite some time making her uneconomical to keep unless she is a cherished pet.

I have raised chickens for 35 years and have endured three severe dog attacks losing half of my 50 chicken flock each time. I won't bore you with the horrific stories of dog damage I have endured. I now have ZERO tolerance for dogs attacking my yardbirds. If a dog comes into my property killing my chickens that dog will die, the sooner the better.

Don't get me wrong, I like dogs. I had a good dog once, she lived to be 16 and when she was around I did not have to worry about another dog harassing my flock. She took care of that.

Over the course of 35 years I lost three chickens to hawks and over fifty to dogs. When a hawk shows up I just keep my chickens inside until the hawk moves on to greener pastures. The dogs always come back and when they do I am waiting for them with my 20 gauge shotgun loaded with slugs.

If you are an irresponsible dog owner and let your dog run unsupervised do not be surprised when it does not come home.
X2. it may sound harsh to some, but it's the law around here, lol.

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