dog attack


10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Argos, IN
I'm so ticked right now but I need help for my hen. My stupid dog went after one of my oldest hens. He was on a chain but she couldnt get away before injury. She has basically her entire thigh skin hanging off. should I cut the skin off and will it heal over the muscle? How should I clean it? its not very bloody. Just kinda unsure on what to do. i know it has the possiblity of healing. I'm just worried that shavings will stick to it or any bedding for that matter. The skin is probably hanging on by about an inch or so at the top. I can try to wash the area with something and then place the skin back on and try to wrap it but I dont know how good it will hold. Any help would be great.
I would clean it with weak betadine or saline and flush the wound out well. You can do this with a kitchen sink sprayer. Then put Neosporin (plain) or other antibiotic ointment on the wound daily. Put her in a cage with a clean towel for bedding or puppy pad. You can wait and see on the flap of skin, or take it off. It could bleed a lot, though. They will heal amazingly well after these injuries as long as they don't go into shock, eat well, and don't get fly strike or infected. If flies are a problem, you might want to bring her inside because maggots can get in the wound. Feed her some scrambled egg and something with probiotics.
I read through a few past posts and cleaned the wound out with the sink sprayer really well and then used Hibiclens on it. I air dried it a bit and then took a chunk of antibotic and shoved in on the skin flap and pasted it back on. It was still wet so it wasnt holding too well. I will just have to wait to see on if I need to remove it. its torn a bit sideways so her wing keeps hitting it and it flaps back open again. I guess we will see. I have her in a dog crate in my bathroom on some towels. He also damaged the end of her beak. I think it will just break off the rest of the way and it still looks like she can eat ok. Maybe not feel like eating tonight so much.
My button quail literally almost got eaten alive by something. His back was bloody and his inside were showing. We thought he was a goner but my mom made a paste with turmeric and water and applied it to his back twice daily(after cleaning the wound of course). He got better, grew his feathers back and is alive and healthy.
Just a story I wanted to add.

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