Dog has jumped my fence and killed chickens on 2 occasions

I am going to look into enforcing the fence some way for sure! We live in Bozeman, Montana.......

Exactly! What if my kids had been in the back yard! Still just mad!!
sorry to read about your attack, and that your kids had to see it, that's awful, it's good that you are reinforcing your fence, alot of predators out there, dogs, cats, coons and this time you were reimbursed,,it's amazing how many people let their dogs run loose, out here, stray dogs do get shot no question, they don't have to be doing anything, just on your property...where you are it would take other measures..good luck in the future though, and hope you get some really nice replacements.
A ticket only thats so dumb! The dog/dingo should be "taken care of" by the police!
Wow, you live in Montana and you don't have a gun. I live in Wi. and I've got a loaded .22 at my back door, I see a dog in my yard first time if it's friendly and tagged I'll return to the owner with a stern warning but otherwise dead dog. Fortunately my closest neighbor's got to be a quarter mile away.
How high is your fence?

Sorry for your loss. Does your town have a leash law? Should the dog have been tied up? Can they not fine the owner for that if there is that law?
If you plan to keep chickens, put a 6ft privacy/wood fence around part of your yard and keep your chickens in that. I have large dogs on both sides of me. Right next door on both sides! BIG DOGS.
There is no way the owner could keep them out of here once they see my hens.
I don't tempt the dogs. I put a privacy/wood fence up and there is no problem. 13 chickens, 11 years - not one dog attack.
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Wow, you live in Montana and you don't have a gun. I live in Wi. and I've got a loaded .22 at my back door, I see a dog in my yard first time if it's friendly and tagged I'll return to the owner with a stern warning but otherwise dead dog. Fortunately my closest neighbor's got to be a quarter mile away.

OP is in Bozeman - in a city is not the best place to be shooting dogs.
You will want to check the local laws, but usually you can get the replacement cost for the grown bird plus reimbursement for the cost of the eggs they would have laid until your new chicks are grown enough to lay. Most people won't deal with their out-of-control dog until they get hit hard financially. It won't replace the pets that you loved, but it might make the dog owners more cautious about letting the dog out.

For example-
Let's say they lay 5 eggs a week (erring on the side of caution). It takes 25 weeks for a chick to get up and laying (ballpark). Two buff orps would be great layers.

Soooooo... between the two of them,
10 x 25= 250 eggs
250 divided by 12= 20.8 dozen
21 doz x $4 (for free range, cage free crown eggs)= $84

If you up this to 7 eggs a week per hen with a starting point of 28 weeks (normal) you end up with $130 for eggs plus the cost of a new bird. Plus the costs of raising the chicks to adulthood.
You could reasonably ask for $170 and likely get it.

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