dog killed 15 hens and one is left with dog 2 dog bites. I have baytril. but not sure what to use.

Whispers and dog bites. She does not eat very much. I am concerned about not eating. She does have some poo. Her appetite is not good.

Very deep on the one upper right, bone.

I hope she makes it. Her name is Whispers.

I suppose I could tube feed her. I saved a "how to tube" from an expert.
I wanted to show pictures of Whispers wound healing. Coming up to 5 weeks Friday when the dog got her.

This was scabbed over and under is the pink now.

This round wound had a lot of dead tissue in it.After the tan rubbery debris was removed it has now started to heal in. Very very deep, 2-2 1/2 inches

This picture is fuzzy. BUT I did not see this wound on her left shoulder under the wing. Consequently I did not treat or clean it. AND amazingly it healed first and best of all the wounds. !!

For continuity I am adding pictures of Whispers wounds today July 9, 2013. They are healing over.

To look at the first pictures of her back to now, the skin is beginning to cover.

I did pull out some debris so the wound can heal in. The vet pulled a lot of debris from this wound. And when I would flush it the chlorahexadine just poured into it like it was a cup.
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Thanks for the update!


Wow. Ill be honest, I would have put this bird down. You have done an amazing job with her!

Great job! They are astonishingly good healers.
OH Thank you so much. This was hard to say the least. But,,,,with all of your help, I got through it. ! And Whispers got through it ! I remember reading from this thread that the hens are tougher than you think. That is why I kept going with her.
  1. Weighing her from the get go. She dropped 3/4 lb. And she was not eating. Had to do something.
  2. Tube feeding the Exact Formula for Birds. 3 to 4 times a day. Thank you Kathy for helping me !
  3. Liquid Baytril 2x a day.
  4. Warmth.
  5. Talk to her.
  6. Wound care. Chlorahexadine
Had she an organ that was wounded she would not have made it. But who knows if there is one. And without hand feeding she would have been in demise. No doubt about that. Never would have made it.
The very deep wound on her shoulder is worrisome. The amount of debris in it was alot.
I am looking forward to taking pictures of her completely healed of all wounds.
Wow, great job. Last year my dog mauled my chicken almost to death, when I found him torturing the chicken she was a mess. All her feathers were gone, she was skinned, and a few spots laid to the bone. I bathed the deepest ones and slathered her head to toe in raw honey. Two weeks she was all healed. I'm never going to underestimate a chickens ability to heal themselves again, provided the right care.

Good luck with your girl, and sorry about your other losses due to a dog.
How's she doing? Any new pictures?

Yes new pictures, go to post 61, I added them to the original set of pictures so you could see the progression. I can add them here too. The bottom pics are labeled 6/9/2013
Took them last nite after she had a bath. Chickens sure get dirty. The skin is growing over the holes now. The deep bite hole under her right wing still needs to be cleaned out and neosporin. She prefers outside and the flies have never been a problem. She is herself and even better. She has gained status. the one White Leghorn names A+ and her are friends and A+ is head of everyone. Dottie the indoor/outdoor Jap Bantam and A+ are my only laters. Whispers has not started to lay yet. She was a layer before the dog got her. I wonder how long it will take for her to lay again. It has been since the last of May now, when it happened. No eggs yet. Hand feeding saved her life. She was overwrought, in pain, and she was being handled alot. We have a bond now. She talks, brarr brarr brarr, then I say it back to her, the first time to the vet she never said a word. The second time to the vet a little talk, but the third time to the vet we chatted the whole time. It was uncanny, she somehow understood the car, the windows, the vet and me.
What an experience.!
I will post more pictures when she even looks better.
Whispers July 9,2013.

This is the very very deep wound under her wing on her right side. I pulled out some debris and flushed. It is healing tho.

this is her back, the skin is getting fatty and covering the wounds. Take a look at post 61 on this thread and the difference.
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