dog killed 15 hens and one is left with dog 2 dog bites. I have baytril. but not sure what to use.

I do not know anything about those medicines. I am a new chicken momma. I have 3 hens that u have had for about a month. Would any if those things listed be good for what ails my hen? She is not standing. :(
Aaaaw :( I just found this thread because one of my young guineas were attacked by a pup of mine. Can you use a different antibiotic other than Baytril? I have VetRx, Tylan 50 and Tylovet Soluble and how much?
Vet RX is not an antibiotic. Tylovet and Tylan are both Tylosin.

She really doesn't have wounds. She is missing some feathers around her neck BUT its her left leg. She is able to move it and use it under her but not stand on it.
Does that mean she has been standing on her right leg?
If so that is improvement.
Honestly, it takes a long time to heal a trauma like that.
Let her have time, she is eating, is happy, and it takes time for even a person
to heal more than ten days from an injury like that.
Whispers took most of June to just get up and walk around. She would just lay first and then she started to stand. But she would not move. That took awhile.
Keep up the good work you are doing. Rehabbing takes time for anyone.
She is not standing at all. She is moving. She is trying to stand. But there is no standing at all. She is desperately trying. She is still "walking" on her knees... :/ But she sings and clucks all the time. Do you really think there is still hope? I am still doing all of the vitamins and aspirin and what not... And she is taking it all along with A LOT of food like a trooper.
Here are some samples:

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Great pictures of slings for those birds who need a start for standing

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