Dog- need advice.


6 Years
Feb 4, 2017
Eastern Montana
So I have a Lab and Great Pyrenees mix. He is 3 years old and is neutered. He never had agression towards other animals till we moved to our new piece of land a year or so ago.
Since moving here he has killed alot of things. Our chickens free ranged and then one day we came home to half the flock about 10 dead. We stopped that by keeping them in the coop, but he got through the neighbors fence and killed all theirs too.
After that we completely fenced our property in nonclimb 6 foot wire and nothing is around the fence for him to use to get out.
Well that was the beginning. He killed all the rabbits on the property which was fine since they were pests.Then some stray cats I think 3 so far which came into the property.
Now here is my biggest issue he has now killed 4 dogs. All of them have came into our property and into his allowed zone from his collar. We have him centered in the property with a shock zone collar to prevent him escaping the property on top of a very secure fence. He is not allowed to be close to any of the perimeter fencing by like 25 feet.
This past week was his latest victim and I have been aruging with my husband for a week on how to handle this situation.
Despite the fencing and zone collar he is still killing things.
We have a small child with another on the way and I am worried this aggressive behavior may transfer to kids too.

I feel like he has done enough to be euthanized. Please help! Give some advice or reassure us that this is the right decision.
Killing half my chickens and all of the neighbor's chickens would be enough for me to end it.

Trust me my husband and I have fought tooth and nail over this damn dog. I have wanted to put him down since then. But my husband insisted that we try fencing and zone collar to prevent any further incidents... We see how that went. :/ I think my husband might finally see the light that this is never going to end. Thanks for the reply!!
Killing other dogs is the line for me, personally. The other animals could very well be seen as prey, but that goes against basic pack instinct of a normal dog.

Sorry you’re going through this.

Yes!! That's exactly how I feel. The killing another dog part really bothers me.
Especially since the dogs have all been small to small medium size dogs that would pose no threat to him what so ever. He is a large dog over 100lbs. Thanks for your reply. I feel better knowing I'm not going "overboard" just from being angry.
He has more than proved the perpendsity to kill. He’d most definitely would be a danger to any child. Just them running around being loud being kids would be enough to trigger him. Humanly euthanize him.
I wouldn’t even entertain the idea of trying to rehab or rehome him. He’s a dangerous dog. So sorry for the circumstances. Best wishes
There is a difference between human aggression and animal/dog aggression. Some dogs are completely fine with people but not so much with other animals. Either way it's hard to manage, but you can manage it if it's just about animals. First I think the dog has to much freedom and not enough boundaries. I would make him a 10x20 run with concrete on the ground and covered so he can't jump with a lock on the gate. I would get a trainer of behaviorist come out to evaluate him. I not one to jump to euthansia because I know there are different aggressions and they don't necessarily translate from one to another.

I have 7 dogs. My older male GSD killed a baby bunny, but it wasn't malicious, he literally thought it was a toy. It was still alive when I finally got him to drop it. A couple months ago he was standing in the yard and I found a dead squirrel. I do not think he killed it based on body temp. He did not attempt to pick it up or eat it either. My younger male GSD can be a problem. He has attacked almost every dog in the house and he does not like most people, I have to manage him very carefully. My younger golden tried killing a cat he grew up with, never saw that coming. All my dogs are great with kids though, that is a must in my house.. So management and training are key. Good Luck.
So I have a Lab and Great Pyrenees mix. He is 3 years old and is neutered. He never had agression towards other animals till we moved to our new piece of land a year or so ago.
Since moving here he has killed alot of things. Our chickens free ranged and then one day we came home to half the flock about 10 dead. We stopped that by keeping them in the coop, but he got through the neighbors fence and killed all theirs too.
After that we completely fenced our property in nonclimb 6 foot wire and nothing is around the fence for him to use to get out.
Well that was the beginning. He killed all the rabbits on the property which was fine since they were pests.Then some stray cats I think 3 so far which came into the property.
Now here is my biggest issue he has now killed 4 dogs. All of them have came into our property and into his allowed zone from his collar. We have him centered in the property with a shock zone collar to prevent him escaping the property on top of a very secure fence. He is not allowed to be close to any of the perimeter fencing by like 25 feet.
This past week was his latest victim and I have been aruging with my husband for a week on how to handle this situation.
Despite the fencing and zone collar he is still killing things.
We have a small child with another on the way and I am worried this aggressive behavior may transfer to kids too.

I feel like he has done enough to be euthanized. Please help! Give some advice or reassure us that this is the right decision.
stop jest find him a new home he doesn't deserve to die! think of what your doing! ending a life! he could be good again find him a new home please try!please1

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