dogs and ducks

The ducks give us the biggest problems with our dogs. Our pyr and akbash pup don't chase the chickens, guineas or peacocks but the ducks they absolutely adore going after. I think it's the massive wing flapping, quacking, flurry of movement, etc. The other birds don't really do that but the ducks are bad about going into a panic over stupid stuff.
We're having the same trouble as Beefcake15. We've had chickens for 3 years and our dogs have been okay around them, ignoring them. A few months ago we got some Muscovy ducklings. Last weekend one of the kids let our Lab/Heeler mix out. We weren't letting her out while the ducks were out unless we were out also. Anyway, by the time I realized she was out, 2 of the ducks were dead. I don't understand why she did this, but is okay with the chickens. I do realize it doesn't matter, we have to have more control over her & our other dog. I've thought about fencing in the ducks, but is that just putting a bandaid over the real problem?

All it is is training them. Takes time and patience, but pays off
keep in mind that some hunting dogs have the hunting 'fever' more than others. Hunting dogs can be trained but you still have to be constantly on the lookout for that one time that he or she might go too far, be it in play or a preaditory moment.

My sporting breed dogs ("hunting dogs") have always been more reliable around my birds than any other dog breed I've had. Don't assume that the hunting dog breeds will be worse than others. I haven't found my sporting breed dogs (spaniels, Labs, Goldens, Pointers) to have a high prey drive at all. They are very "birdy," but they don't have the instinct to chase and kill. The retrievers retrieve, the Pointers point, etc. They DON'T chase. That's not what they're bred for.
My sporting breed dogs ("hunting dogs") have always been more reliable around my birds than any other dog breed I've had. Don't assume that the hunting dog breeds will be worse than others. I haven't found my sporting breed dogs (spaniels, Labs, Goldens, Pointers) to have a high prey drive at all. They are very "birdy," but they don't have the instinct to chase and kill. The retrievers retrieve, the Pointers point, etc. They DON'T chase. That's not what they're bred for.

Yes but weimaraners and viszla (which I have) are active hunters and darn good at it! They find the prey, they grab the prey, they bring the prey back. Unless it's a rabbit, then they just eat it. ;) Lost 2 ducks to this dog, my fault both times as the gate was open.

It's all about breed and training!

Yes but weimaraners and viszla (which I have) are active hunters and darn good at it! They find the prey, they grab the prey, they bring the prey back. Unless it's a rabbit, then they just eat it. ;) Lost 2 ducks to this dog, my fault both times as the gate was open.

It's all about breed and training!

I've had Pointers (same type of dog as Weims and Viszlas), both field lines and show lines, excellent hunters, ZERO interest in my waterfowl or chickens. They're supposed to have a soft mouth. In fact, I took my 5 month old Pointer pup to an intro to hunt tests group last weekend. He got his very own quail to do whatever he wanted with (wing feathers plucked). Boy, did he love that! He chased it, caught it, carried it around, but DID NOT KILL IT. They aren't bred to kill. They are supposed to point out the bird, then retrieve it after it's shot. Not catch it and eat it themselves. What good is a hunting dog that eats your birds????

It might be how I raise my dogs, but I've never had any problems with my hunting dogs. They know the difference between a game bird and domestic poultry.
I've had Pointers (same type of dog as Weims and Viszlas), both field lines and show lines, excellent hunters, ZERO interest in my waterfowl or chickens. They're supposed to have a soft mouth. In fact, I took my 5 month old Pointer pup to an intro to hunt tests group last weekend. He got his very own quail to do whatever he wanted with (wing feathers plucked). Boy, did he love that! He chased it, caught it, carried it around, but DID NOT KILL IT. They aren't bred to kill. They are supposed to point out the bird, then retrieve it after it's shot. Not catch it and eat it themselves. What good is a hunting dog that eats your birds????

It might be how I raise my dogs, but I've never had any problems with my hunting dogs. They know the difference between a game bird and domestic poultry.
We hunt to kill because we don't hunt hunt if that makes sense. We have a prey animal problem on our property so I take the dogs out to find and kill them. They bring it to show it off and get their praise for doing a good job and then depending on what they caught they go eat it. Usually big into eating the rabbits and nothing else. That pigeon was just thrown away. It's why our weim is so fat, he's an excellent hunter. Probably sounds mean to people but when they tell me I'm cruel I tell them I'm more than happy to live catch all 200+ rabbits and bring them over to their house to see what THEY think of them. Wild birds too. We have some of the only nesting in the area and our dogs keep the predators away so we've got a big wild bird problem.

Anyway, problem is we got poultry this year and our vis is already 13 and the weim is 8. So they're used to chasing, catching and killing stuff. We've got good fences now!
We hunt to kill because we don't hunt hunt if that makes sense. We have a prey animal problem on our property so I take the dogs out to find and kill them. They bring it to show it off and get their praise for doing a good job and then depending on what they caught they go eat it. Usually big into eating the rabbits and nothing else. That pigeon was just thrown away. It's why our weim is so fat, he's an excellent hunter. Probably sounds mean to people but when they tell me I'm cruel I tell them I'm more than happy to live catch all 200+ rabbits and bring them over to their house to see what THEY think of them. Wild birds too. We have some of the only nesting in the area and our dogs keep the predators away so we've got a big wild bird problem.

Anyway, problem is we got poultry this year and our vis is already 13 and the weim is 8. So they're used to chasing, catching and killing stuff. We've got good fences now!

Yep, that makes a lot more sense. I thought you meant they were out picking up what you shot and then eating it themselves! lol
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Now I have a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever and he is amazing areound my ducks. Like Lorraine's dog above. Then I have a Chocolate Lab that is so sweet, but dumb like rocks. The Lab is *usually* fine around the ducks, in fact she will always go with me while I attend to yard chores and then usually we run the perimeters together, but lately I've been noticing big issues around my ducks pool. It absolutely is connected to the water, the splashing, flapping wings. Now this dog knows "leave it, drop it, let go" and all the basics... When everything is going well, it's so nice to know you have a dog out in the yard to at least alert you to predators. I guess we have to keep an eye on things just to be sure everything stays smooth. And take the time to tune up on our training when necessary! P.S. that Pit with the hatchling---- simply adorable! I hope you sent a copy to The Dog Whisperer!
Yep, that makes a lot more sense. I thought you meant they were out picking up what you shot and then eating it themselves! lol
I don't know how difficult it would be to retrain them to that. They do bring it to show off and I can take it from them then if I wanted but I'm perfectly happy to let them go eat it. They catch and kill though. If the world ended my dogs could fend for themselves! lol Anyway, this has made them totally unsuitable to be around the poultry for obvious reasons.

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