Dogs are killing my ducks and chickens. How do I safely repel them? Ultra sonic?

I haven’t either. I have considered a dog for that purpose so that may the best idea.
You'll be lucky if your dog doesn't join in on the fun. Some dogs are not cut out for repelling other dogs. Dalmations and Golden Retrievers for instance. I came home to find them just as merrily murdering birds as the neighbor's dog that broke into the pen. Like he was in the pen eating a bird, so I know he did it.
You'll be lucky if your dog doesn't join in on the fun. Some dogs are not cut out for repelling other dogs. Dalmations and Golden Retrievers for instance. I came home to find them just as merrily murdering birds as the neighbor's dog that broke into the pen. Like he was in the pen eating a bird, so I know he did it.

That’s a very good point. I’ve had several dogs enter the yard only to play with ducks. The ducks don’t know that and neither do I!

And others are not so friendly. I had one try to jump over a 6 foot fence to get in.

I’d definitely have to pick the right breed and hope for the best. But was hoping there was some sort of device that would deter dogs and not ducks/chickens as well, at my drive way entrance.
I would definitely call animal control, and according to a law in CO, idk where you live but it states that "if something is harming your livestock, and you are out of city limits, it is legal to trap and shoot it"

I'm not saying that you should by any means but it could become a huge monetary loss for you if this keeps happening
MOST states do have some type of law on the books to protect livestock from predators, so that the owner of the livestock can be protected for protecting their livestock from being killed. That includes dogs and cats, as well, as defined as 'predators'. It's an extreme case to have to kill a neighbor's dog or cat, but if they're warned to keep their animals OFF your property because they're killing your livestock, then it's on them to deal with it. Just research the local laws for the state you live in (I'm addressing this to everyone) and document well (if necessary, in writing or if you're doing it face-to-face, video-record the conversation you have with your neighbor) so that if you're brought into court, you've got yourselves covered that you did warn your neighbors about their animals' behavior and they failed to do anything to stop it.
I would definitely call animal control, and according to a law in CO, idk where you live but it states that "if something is harming your livestock, and you are out of city limits, it is legal to trap and shoot it"

I'm not saying that you should by any means but it could become a huge monetary loss for you if this keeps happening
First time, talk to owner. Second time, talk to owner and tape conversation, demand compensation. Third time, if the deed has already been done, talk to Animal Control. If I caught the dog in the midst of a third massacre, he’d be met with a shotgun. Where I live it is legal to shoot any dog loose in an area where livestock or poultry are kept.
I am an animal lover, breeding cats, keeping dogs and chickens. It would break my heart to have to shoot a dog, but I will not tolerate repeated massacres and financial losses due to an irresponsible dog owner.

We had five leghorns (the whole flock) killed by a neighbours dog. According the law, I was to call the township, they send out an assessor to value the damage, then they go to the dog owner, get compensation for the chickens and the cost of the investigation. Then they seize the dog and put it down. I didn’t want any harm to come to the dog, which actually belonged to the daughter, so I didn’t call the township.
My neighbour is a good neighbour, and he quickly agreed to pay for the chickens. I made it very clear that the dog gets a free pass this time, but if I saw him on my property again, it would not end well for the dog.
This incident brought to the forefront several issues they were having with the dog, and it has been rehomed.
Friends of theirs generously replaced our chickens, not leghorns, but Easter Eggers and olive eggers, and everyone is on good terms.
First time, talk to owner. Second time, talk to owner and tape conversation, demand compensation. Third time, if the deed has already been done, talk to Animal Control. If I caught the dog in the midst of a third massacre, he’d be met with a shotgun. Where I live it is legal to shoot any dog loose in an area where livestock or poultry are kept.
I am an animal lover, breeding cats, keeping dogs and chickens. It would break my heart to have to shoot a dog, but I will not tolerate repeated massacres and financial losses due to an irresponsible dog owner.

We had five leghorns (the whole flock) killed by a neighbours dog. According the law, I was to call the township, they send out an assessor to value the damage, then they go to the dog owner, get compensation for the chickens and the cost of the investigation. Then they seize the dog and put it down. I didn’t want any harm to come to the dog, which actually belonged to the daughter, so I didn’t call the township.
My neighbour is a good neighbour, and he quickly agreed to pay for the chickens. I made it very clear that the dog gets a free pass this time, but if I saw him on my property again, it would not end well for the dog.
This incident brought to the forefront several issues they were having with the dog, and it has been rehomed.
Friends of theirs generously replaced our chickens, not leghorns, but Easter Eggers and olive eggers, and everyone is on good terms.
You are very fortunate that you were on good terms with the neighbor in the first place and was willing to work with you over the incident. Not always the case in today's world, full of the 'neighbors from hell' types.
Get your animals fenced safely,no flying out.No access for dogs to enter their space.You must have known before you got the poultry it would never be safe.
Animals are never allowed on my property,poultry or not.I have called cops before,popular? No.,Who cares.It did not happen again,they use leashes when they walk now.I have cameras as well.
If they were brought up to have no respect for others property ,their opinion is meaningless.Get mean,take care of it,Or be weak,and live with it.
Mine are still safe from lost dogs,get couple a year.Daytime predators,whatever.If you’re letting them free range,then,they are just meals ,and folly,for others Anyway.
My yard is fenced but the drive way has a 12 foot gap and I can’t install a gate.

Not even a gate that is closed at night and open during the day?

Maybe you can fence off part of your property, so the ducks can have a large pen that is safe, but the driveway can stay open.

A dog has 3x wipes out 30 ducks. I talked to the owner but it continues to happen.

It usually happens at night and it’s not always the same dog.

Locking your ducks in a secure pen every night would completely prevent night slaughters.
By "secure," I mean no dog can get in, and no duck can get out.

If it was just one dog you might be able to get rid of that dog (shoot it, or trap it & take it to the dog pound.)
If it was just one owner, you might get them to keep all their dogs home (this works with some owners but not with some other owners.)

But if it is multiple dogs and multiple owners, then I think good fences and good duck pens are the only solution that will actually work.
My yard is fenced but the drive way has a 12 foot gap and I can’t install a gate.

A dog has 3x wipes out 30 ducks. I talked to the owner but it continues to happen.

It usually happens at night and it’s not always the same dog.

I don’t want to be mean to the dog, just keep them out.

Any ideas?
Shoot them with a paint ball gun it stings but doesn't kill them
Get your animals fenced safely,no flying out.No access for dogs to enter their space.You must have known before you got the poultry it would never be safe.
Animals are never allowed on my property,poultry or not.I have called cops before,popular? No.,Who cares.It did not happen again,they use leashes when they walk now.I have cameras as well.
If they were brought up to have no respect for others property ,their opinion is meaningless.Get mean,take care of it,Or be weak,and live with it.
Mine are still safe from lost dogs,get couple a year.Daytime predators,whatever.If you’re letting them free range,then,they are just meals ,and folly,for others Anyway.
Being a strict a hole does get the point across. I have visible cameras and most walk their dogs with a leash after I made a stink. No idea what people thought of me walking down the road covered in blood, but when I reached the house with the dogs, they apologized. It was a rental and someone came by and gave me $45 and apologized that evening. even though it wasn’t his dog.

It would be hard for me to hurt a dog, because if someone hurt one of my animals, it would cause tension, regardless of the law.

I like the idea of a paintball gun. I may consider that but I think I’ll post some visible signs that the property is under surveillance.

While the ducks aren’t caged during the day, they mostly stay in the yard and all attacks have occurred with a dog on my property.

I chased after a very big dog to get him out of my yard and he fought back. I kept my cool but I did almost put that dog down after he showed aggression towards me.

It’s just a part of life - and I think responsibility falls to the owner, in most cases.

I try to be reasonable but after 3-4x, I’ve now tired of being nice.

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