Donald and Daisy - eggs in the incubator


Jun 17, 2016
East Orlando, FL
I have 2 Pekin ducks named Donald and Daisy (my 2 year old named them, of course). Got them from Tractor Supply back in the Spring, and now they are fully grown. I know I need to get a few more ducks for Donald, as he's a bit needy. He has the hens that he grew up with, but they're pretty good at avoiding him, and I've shown them where to go to get away from him when needed.

Daisy seems to have hurt her foot about a week ago. It was the same time that I put new bedding down in the bottom of the coop for her to lay in/on. I haven't seen any eggs since then - thought it was her hurt foot, the stress of the injury keeping her from laying. But found out today that it was because she has been burying them. 6 eggs all recovered.

The 7 that I had prior to her hurting her foot all went into the incubator. I candled them at day 7 and found that 2 of them don't show any signs of life inside. I will keep them in there for another few days or more to see if anything comes of them, but likely they will get thrown out. The other 5 are looking great so far.

I put them in on 8/29 in the evening, so I expect they should be ready around 9/25 or 26, right? Candling scheduled for every Monday until lockdown.

The turner motor sounded really loud this morning, when I checked it I found that it was also REALLY hot and wasn't moving. I turned it off for a bit then back on, it's working again but still loud and hot. I told the company (IncubatorWarehouse on Amazon) and they immediately sent me out a new motor at no charge - I'm hoping to get it in the next few days. Very thankful for their customer service!
I have 2 Pekin ducks named Donald and Daisy (my 2 year old named them, of course). Got them from Tractor Supply back in the Spring, and now they are fully grown. I know I need to get a few more ducks for Donald, as he's a bit needy. He has the hens that he grew up with, but they're pretty good at avoiding him, and I've shown them where to go to get away from him when needed.

Daisy seems to have hurt her foot about a week ago. It was the same time that I put new bedding down in the bottom of the coop for her to lay in/on. I haven't seen any eggs since then - thought it was her hurt foot, the stress of the injury keeping her from laying. But found out today that it was because she has been burying them. 6 eggs all recovered.

The 7 that I had prior to her hurting her foot all went into the incubator. I candled them at day 7 and found that 2 of them don't show any signs of life inside. I will keep them in there for another few days or more to see if anything comes of them, but likely they will get thrown out. The other 5 are looking great so far.

I put them in on 8/29 in the evening, so I expect they should be ready around 9/25 or 26, right? Candling scheduled for every Monday until lockdown.

The turner motor sounded really loud this morning, when I checked it I found that it was also REALLY hot and wasn't moving. I turned it off for a bit then back on, it's working again but still loud and hot. I told the company (IncubatorWarehouse on Amazon) and they immediately sent me out a new motor at no charge - I'm hoping to get it in the next few days. Very thankful for their customer service!


Hope you get a good hatch. My experience hatching large size Pekin and Rouen eggs, sometimes they take longer than 28 days, my jumbo sized Rouen eggs went 31 days, so keep the incubator running a few more days to give those stragglers a chance.

Good Luck!
Well, we got to day 26 before they started chirping and swaying the eggs. 4 of the 6 eggs still in there were rocking and rolling by day 27, and by that evening 4 were out. Here are some pics:

There are 2 still in there. When I candled all original 7 on day 18, I noticed 2 were still translucent, one much more than the other. That one was taken out, but I left the other in there just in case. 4 were totally opaque, and those were the ones that hatched. I'll leave the other 2 in there for another 2-3 days to see what happens, if anything.

Here are the pics of them all out and happy:


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