Don't let kids pick your chicks! Lol


Jun 14, 2016
My husband and I are new to chickens. After a few months of research and talking with my cousin who has chickens we decided to start small and purchased 6 chicks at Rural King 3 weeks ago. We wanted 4 americaunas 2 road island reds. We let the kids walk with a store employee to pick them out after we told him which breeds we wanted. Needless to say we came home with 3 americaunas, 1 black australorp, and 2 yellow misfits that were put in the wrong bin. We are desperately trying to figure out our biggest yellow one. We bought them on the 25 of May which are the first photos and the second set are today. We are not sure if it's a rooster and that's why it's big. the breeds they had were Cornish, leghorn, amber link. "She" is the biggest but most friendly she always waddles over when I come to the coop and call chick chicks. I'm hoping she's not a He or a broiler chick as she's my favorite...I may be doomed. Anyhow see if y'all can help me out! Also they grew fast after placing hem in the coop from the brooder!

These are from 3 weeks ago


I call this the Are you my mother

These are from today

well I call her Big Bertha, My son Calls her Chicken Nugget...So I guess she has a new name! LOL Thank you for your help with her! should I assume our other yellow is the same? she hasn't grown as quick and has stayed same size as our Australorp (who she was in with
) and is a bit smaller then our Americana's.

Next to our Americanas ( you can see Bertha doing was she does best..EAT)

Next to our Australorp

again thank you all for your help!
Oh no! I can't help you specifically with this one but I can relate! My daughter was insistent on a white one and I just picture factory hens and hawk bait. I was obsessed with getting an exotic Blue Favacuana. We got both this year along with a Black Australorp adding to the 5 hens we already had. I have to say the white one has been cute and friendly from day one. Based on her breed I know she will be a good layer. So far my Blue Favacuana is just okay.

The little white one has blue feet, maybe she's a white Easter Egger :) I had a few of those and they are beautiful.

If you decide to keep Big Bertha, control her feed intake or she'll get obese! ;) lots of greens and kitchen scraps, very little chicken feed for her. I successfully kept 6 Cornish X hens alive for a year on that diet (usual lifespan is 2-3 months).

(edited because i keep mixing up ameraucana and Easter Egger terms!
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Your little white bird looks like another Easter egger. Everyone does look female.

You'll want to do some research on keeping your broiler chick, if that's your intention. They're such friendly little buggers, it's easy to get attached even when you intend to raise them for meat
. If you restrict her feed and make her exercise, she can live a decent life, but it will be shorter than your other birds. Some folks manage to get them to 2 years, but 8-12 months is the usual span for a pet CX, even a well managed one. And you'll need to make a plan for euthanizing her if/when she develops problems. Once they start to go bad (leg issues, heart failure, etc) it can happen fast and you won't want her to suffer.

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