Drake or hen?

Often when the voice starts yo change they will throw in a quack in between peeps
Boys never do this
Take a video holding each one and post here I can help you
First need to download it to YouTube or a platform like it then post the link here
So here are videos of each protesting to being held or in the case of the khaki campbell, being isolated from the other 2. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
So here are videos of each protesting to being held or in the case of the khaki campbell, being isolated from the other 2. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
I’m going to say girls
Boys don’t usually get that loud
So my ducks still don’t seem to have their adult voices and now one of my mallard mixes has a green sheen on top of its head so I’m confused. They all sound the same to me and they sound like they are quacking but just quietly and high pitched compared to adult ducks. I have a video of all of them making the noise that I’ve been thinking was quacking. Can anyone tell me if these are quacks or just continued baby sounds?

So my ducks still don’t seem to have their adult voices and now one of my mallard mixes has a green sheen on top of its head so I’m confused. They all sound the same to me and they sound like they are quacking but just quietly and high pitched compared to adult ducks. I have a video of all of them making the noise that I’ve been thinking was quacking. Can anyone tell me if these are quacks or just continued baby sounds?

Unfortunately those sound like boys to me
As for the green sheen I have 2 girls that are bym and both have green sheen on the head so it’s possible when we mix them
But those voices are boys
Unfortunately those sound like boys to me
As for the green sheen I have 2 girls that are bym and both have green sheen on the head so it’s possible when we mix them
But those voices are boys
That’s what’s I was afraid of but was trying to ignore lol. At first I was upset but now I’m thinking I’m really enjoying having them so maybe I’ll just get a bunch of females and have a big flock. I have plenty of space. I’m confused about one thing though. I’m not planning to breed them so if I have separate runs and coops for them do I still need to keep the 4-5 hens per drake ratio? And if I keep them separated but nearby each other do I need to worry about the drakes fighting? Thanks for all your help!

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