Dreadful Chore Challenge. Come on, join us!

Name : greeneggsnham

Home/Work: Home

Dreaded Chore(s): 1-Try to find money for college before August 6 (anyone need a kidney?

2- Go to the First Step orientation and feel like a newbie all over again. (I went and took a few classes at the local community college and then decided that it wasn't what I wanted to do. Now I have to register as a freshman and come in with all of the younger kids. ) Good news though, when I'm done I'll be a vet.
x2 seeing as how I've got a hamper AND a small basket of socks. We really need to do something about that vortex in the back of the dryer but with money being tight we just can't afford a dampening field.

Around here everyone gets one type of sock. All, with the exception of my husband who likes tall socks, are the same just a different color toe/heel for the different sizes. White ankle socks. Toss them all in the drawer, any two will match. Works like a charm.
Me and Sonoran Silkies are in the same boat. For me it is the kitchen today. It has been so dang hot I just let the dishes pile up for the past five days or so. YUK!
stay at home mom...dreaded chore(s) of weeding through kids toys, 4 laundry baskets, dusting...I hate dusting.... and washing the floors. hubby was home this weekend, when he is home there are no chores, he isn't home often, so we watch movies, play games with the kids and stuff. Mondays after he is gone, the house is a nightmare after only 2 days :-(
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I did it! Got through the ginormous sock bin right after lunch. (I run a business from home, so I had to do that work first. Gotta make the $$$$$...)
DD & I matched 56 pairs of socks. Threw out some socks and set some aside in our donation pile. That got the kids kids thinking about donating & they each went through thier closets. I am not buying new school clothes this Fall, if we have sooo much stuff in this house.
Name: Silkiechick05

Dreaded Chore: Loading the dishwasher.

I know it sounds pathetic, but I cannot stand the slimey feeling of the dishes. That is pretty much the only thing I will complain about doing... although cleaning the cat box ranks pretty high too.
Name: sixlittlechicks09

Position: Studennttt! And a sous chef for the summer -_-

chore: Haha the OPPOSITE of silkiechick05, Unloading the dishwasher! I washed and dried dishes for three years at a restaurant by my house. Washing them isn't bad, I can stand in one place an just load them up, but putting them all back in their place is such a pain. ESPECIALLY silverware and tupperware, since our cabinet is totally full and enjoys dropping its contents onto my head.
People like you make me ill. How am I supposed to get my lazing-around in when I've got motivated, perseverant people like you inspiring me all the time?!?!
Cassandra's Dread Chores for Tuesday: Tomorrow I must clean the chick brooder and my room. Chick brooder I'm okay with....but I'm even scared of cleaning my own room.

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