Dreaming about chickens?

i dreamed i was holding a chick that was hatching, my husband informed me in the morning it was his nose.
sorry about no capitals, my right arm's kinda protesting being over used and bumped to much.
I used to dream (before I started getting eggs) that I was out checking on the girls and they would all of them start crowing. Then I started dreaming about finding eggs, which was better but disappointing when I woke up. Now they're laying so I don't know what I'll dream about
This must be like one of those dreams about danger or worry. I dreamed last night that I got chickens and put them in a sort of coop area in a large barn or outbuilding. Problem was there were no walls or wire and all I kept worrying about was predators getting them in the night. I do remember very distinctly sitting in a grassy yard with a Mille Fleur Belgian D'Uccle in my lap. She had the softest feathers and was adorably sweet. It was definitely not my husband - he's beardy and tough and in no way resembles a Mille Fleur.

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