Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the middle of a Wisconsin winter

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I usually do the yellow ones too, either from Fleet or Menards, but last year they turned out to be some flat variety that didn't get very big. They are storing well... the skins are so hard that I can barely peel them...but I don't like that they are so small and being flat makes them harder to cut up IMO. The Candy lasted till spring then we ran out of them so I don't know if they would have made it till the next harvest.

NW of Marinette here, according to the map it's zone 4 but I always try to get perennials for zone 3. They are probably correct that the average lows are -20 to -25F but sometimes we are much colder. I've seen the thermometer bottom out at -40 already. That's why I'd be grateful for any suggestions of perennial flowers for up here. We're building a new house so will be doing lots of landscaping in the next year.
There are a few that should be zone 3 hardy, hostas, heliopsis, some iris like Siberian, catmint, aster, clematis, delphinium, dianthus, artemisian, Echinacea purple, galardia, peony, sedum, to name a few. A lot can depend on if you have deer waltzing through your yard.

I finally cracked the onion code, I think, they need enough water to get bigger but not enough to rot. Some years are better than others. I have hard onions too, I think it's a sign of a happy onion. I have always avoided the sweet onions because I've heard they don't store well, but if yours lasted that long I think I will try them, the older I get, the more I want a mild onion.

Weather wise we were lucky this year, I recall a few years of -60 wind chills, mostly when I was a kid. Every winter I wish the Canadians would keep their weather. You don't know what's cold is in my opinion until you spend a winter in Wisconsin, brrr, but I'm biased and tired of snow.
Seeing all that snow makes me hope that your plants fare better then mine have. My shrubs are all broken and flattened to the ground. Not sure the Hydrangea will make it as it is also flat.

We finally got dug out of the snow that a well meaning but errant neighbor plowed right up against the cars.

I ended up with 2 feet of snow from the storm that is now hitting WI. It was the heaviest snow I can remember. Each shovel full felt like lifting cinder blocks on the end of a stick.

I had an odd onion yield last year. Mine all stayed very small. I have 110 or so in a new raised bed under a ton of snow. They will certainly be well watered when it melts. I only do the reds and yellow regular onions. This year only the yellow ones for me.

I did find some large pots at the garden center for the potatoes. I only got 3 as they are 9 bucks each. I have them in my workshop with blue potatoes planted in them. Curious how that will pan out.
Thanks! Now I have some homework to do cause I only recognize a few flowers on that list...I'll have to look up the rest and start a list of what goes in the sun and shade. Deer numbers are way down up here so I don't think they'll be a problem near the house. Rabbits are bad and I'm guessing the chipmunks might dig up any bulbs tho. We are in the woods and the front of the house faces north so I'll probably need a lot of shade loving plants. A new project...this is gonna be fun.

I agree with your view on the onions and in addition think that picking them at the right time is crucial for long storage. I was taught to pick as soon as the tops tip over and then dry them. It seems that if I let them go too long I get more rotten ones.
The Candy were yellow onions, not really sweet IMO but had a good flavor even though they were mild. I cut/chop by hand (no food processor) so I really liked that they were large and round. I'll have to see if I can find them again.

21hens, a cinderblock on the end of a stick is exactly what the snow felt like here! There was no pushing with the shovel, just a little scoop and lift right back up again. Sure hope it warms up this weekend so your hydrangea can recover.
The snow is melting here but the Hydrangea has a lot of broken branches. It was not super huge only about 3 foot tall and wide. I will let it be and see what nature can do for it. It was mulched in heavily so perhaps the crown will send off new branches.

So depressing seeing all the shrubs laid over like they are. They have been hearty shrubs so far in their lives so I am hoping they can recover.

The blue potatoes in pots may be ok. I had worried they froze but I dug one out and it looks like it will be alright. Not a total hard freeze of the whole pot so that is good.

First garden box I've ever made myself! We'll see how it holds up!
Looks great to me, I love raised beds no matter what they are made of.

First garden box I've ever made myself! We'll see how it holds up!
Nice! Mine are mostly just knocked together with whatever boards are laying around here from hubby's woodworking. Then I throw down a couple pieces of cardboard to block the weeds, fill and plant. The bulk of my raised beds are just made from logs so the 'board' ones like yours always look more finished and professional to me.
Nice! Mine are mostly just knocked together with whatever boards are laying around here from hubby's woodworking. Then I throw down a couple pieces of cardboard to block the weeds, fill and plant. The bulk of my raised beds are just made from logs so the 'board' ones like yours always look more finished and professional to me.

Lucky for me, I work part time for a contractor and had a couple home depot gift-cards. He gave me a drill and a box of bits to borrow, made sure everything was cut to size and said 'here's what you're going to do'. The staining idea I got off of pintrist. 1 sample size water based paint mixed with about a quart of water applied with a rag and wiped with a dry rag until it had the effect I was looking for. The boxes are 4x8 which is perfect for using two 4x16 cattle panels to arch between the two boxes for a trellis. Got to get the second one put together today!
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That sounds nice, is this for flowers or vegetables, what are planning to grow on the trellis?
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