Dubbing My Rooster Need Advices

@Saaniya, I am a game fowl person but not a vet. Removing such a large comb is beyond by experience. Combs less than half that size are problematic when comes to bleeding. Problematic, in that birds can be lost through bleeding out or more particularly shock.

If you can keep him away from extreme cold and otherwise keep the comb in good health, it is better to leave the comb alone.

A vet could do job by not dubbing as close as done typically. A clamp could be placed at base of comb where everything above it is cut off. The astringent is liberally applied to exposed blood vessels to ensure clotting before complete removal of the clamp.

Wattles do not seem to be all that difficult to manage on that bird.
Hello Everyone ..

My rooster tootoo whose 8 months old having some comb problem I see yesterday Its winter here ,
his comb is very large big thick and floppy covers his one eye completely..yesterday I notice his floppy fold side is very much folded and some creases appreas that's very folded he's in difficulties to drink water from his bowl and eating also in walking though ..

He need Dubbing ..And I have all the things I'm telling u brief I brought Local Anesthesia LOX 1% Topical But Unfortunately It Has Pain Relief ..Anyway
I've a pair of surgical scissors
Some 1 Bottle Blood Stop Powder
2 Bottles Of Rubbing Alcohol
1 Packet Of Cotton
1 Tube Of Betadine & 1 Bottle Of Betadine Liquid
1 Tube of Antibiotic Cream "Suframycin"
1 Tub Of Antiseptic Cream "Boroline"
1 Packet Of Refined Wheat Flour
2 Towels
1 Big Box (For Resting)

my mom will dub his comb ..
I want to ask how to treat any secondary infection after dubbing process as his comb is big and foldy will bleed a much ..how to manage ..how to minimize pain

p.s he's very very sweet roo he's very sensible and he's my baby its an emergency that's why we decided for dub

Pls pls pls help ..

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I've dubbed literally hundreds of roosters and never lost one yet.
Here are some helpful tips for:
#1 get a large old bath towel and roll the rooster up in it. Stretch out the towl and lay the roosters breast on the towl with only his head sticking over the edge of the towl - place your hand on his back and pull his legs straight back - then roll him up tightly.
#2 start cutting (he can't resist u because he is secured in the towl) cut every thing off, but when u cut the waddles leave the flesh under his throat from his beak to his hackles. Do not cut it or it will heal to tightly for him to swallow.
#3 if he bleeds excessively simply pull a small breast feather and stick it on top of his head where the comb was.
#4 unroll him from the towl and get him in a pen BY HIMSELF. If u put him with the rest of the flock they will see the fresh blood - and we know what cannibals chickens can be.
These do a real good job on heavy or light work.
Clauss 11113 7.75-Inch Straight Hot Forged Shears with One Serrated Blade

Throw in these for touch up work
METZENBAUM Scissors 5.5 inches Curved
I've dubbed literally hundreds of roosters and never lost one yet.
Here are some helpful tips for:
#1 get a large old bath towel and roll the rooster up in it. Stretch out the towl and lay the roosters breast on the towl with only his head sticking over the edge of the towl - place your hand on his back and pull his legs straight back - then roll him up tightly.
#2 start cutting (he can't resist u because he is secured in the towl) cut every thing off, but when u cut the waddles leave the flesh under his throat from his beak to his hackles. Do not cut it or it will heal to tightly for him to swallow.
#3 if he bleeds excessively simply pull a small breast feather and stick it on top of his head where the comb was.
#4 unroll him from the towl and get him in a pen BY HIMSELF. If u put him with the rest of the flock they will see the fresh blood - and we know what cannibals chickens can be.
I already dubbed him after his thread with no issues 😊😊😊😊😊

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