Duck behvaiour?


In the Brooder
Nov 18, 2020
I am new to owning fowl but I think I am quiet knowledgeable. I have chickens, guinea fowl and now a couple of ducks. I tried hatching the ducks and out of 12 eggs we only got one male boy. We bought two new ducklings to keep him company and now they are out of their brooding box and in their own coop. Now that they are nearly fuy matured I have noticed odd behaviour when I am outside relaxing with them. Mostly from draco(the first male). When we extend our hand out to him, he outstreches his neck and rushes forward, pushing himself up our arms. We thought this was just him showing us affection but than the girl who is usually quite timid started doing it. It is the cutest thing but I was just wondering what it means?

(So just to clarify. When we hold out hand out to them, they push their throats on our palms and then quickly push it all the way up our arms. Sometimes they do this to my legs when seated.)
I am new to owning fowl but I think I am quiet knowledgeable. I have chickens, guinea fowl and now a couple of ducks. I tried hatching the ducks and out of 12 eggs we only got one male boy. We bought two new ducklings to keep him company and now they are out of their brooding box and in their own coop. Now that they are nearly fuy matured I have noticed odd behaviour when I am outside relaxing with them. Mostly from draco(the first male). When we extend our hand out to him, he outstreches his neck and rushes forward, pushing himself up our arms. We thought this was just him showing us affection but than the girl who is usually quite timid started doing it. It is the cutest thing but I was just wondering what it means?

(So just to clarify. When we hold out hand out to them, they push their throats on our palms and then quickly push it all the way up our arms. Sometimes they do this to my legs when seated.)


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My guesses would be either some kind of mating behavior -- although this late in the year, mine rarely exhibit any of that -- or the other thing that motivates my ducks: the idea that you MIGHT have food for them.

And, welcome to BYC!
Old thread but I have one duck who does this occasionally--only to my leg, not my hand. It seems to happen only when she is frustrated with me, like if I've been gone a couple days, or if I have failed to have any snacks when she thought I would.
In the past, I had one duck who also did this to my leg, only when I was faced away from her!
Both of these ducks (who I owned at different times) would start vibrating just before lunging up my leg.
I'm wondering if there is a name for this behavior. Someone called it a "duck fit." It seems like an expression of frustration maybe mixed with dominance, but it could be general excitement.

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